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Monday, May 29, 2006
I dont believe in this whatever month you born in thing but since it show my real self i'll show it.. friends.. this is how i really am ah.. so read.. except maybe the 1st line.. quite lame leh

---------------DECEMBER BABY ---------------

This straight-up means ur the most good-looking person possible... better than all of
these other months! ( please back this up with evidence please )

Loyal and generous. yup

Patriotic. yup

Competitive in everything. yup but can be overcompetitive also

Active in games and interactions. very

Impatient and hasty. yup

Ambitious. yup

Influential in organizations. not really sure

Fun to be with. hopefully.. friends must tell me

Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. yup sometimes

Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. maybe

Easily influenced by kindness. ( but dont anybody dare take advantage of me )

Polite and soft-spoken. maybe

Having lots of ideas. mostly

Sensitive. very ah.. most girls just get mad at me cause they misunderstand something i said
and not because i;m not sensitive

Active mind. yup.. awake most of the time

Hesitating, tends to delay. yup.. still havent do my CNP reflections.. hoohoo

Choosy and always wants the best. ( adidas shirts!! )

Temperamental. sometimes

Funny and humorous. ( if you know what seth cohen is you'll know.. i hate being a "big" joker..

Loves to joke. as above

Good debating skills. in english based only lah... i'm not pure malay how to debate in good malay

Has that someone always on his/her mind. ( thinking of ***///***///***/// now

Talkative. yup

Daydreamer. yup

Friendly. Knows how to make friends. definitely

Abiding. law abiding

Able to show character. suppose so

One guy/girl kind of person. very.. i'm good that way..

Loveable. donno.. friends? what you think?

Easily hurt. depends ah.. my heart rate went up 70 leh.. maybe still vulnerable

Prone to getting colds. yup but i recover damn fast

loves music. very much so

pretty/handsome. again.. friends?

Loves to dress up. yup in my uniform....... power

Easily bored. ya

Fussy. on certain things

Seldom shows emotions. true true.. i happy also smile a bit only

Takes time to recover when hurt. maybe


so thats me

will YOU be my escape?
10:05:00 pm

oh yeah my uniform rocks man... I look smart and apparently joseph was hot?! cause my nipples could be seen so i lost the vote for being hot.. whatever ah.. just laming..

woohoo and I got full marks for my Sociology test... thank god sociolgy is together with psychology.. cause i like sociology more... so more chance of passing my common test next week... my FON i hope can get AD since i worked so damn hard at it... of course i bet you didnt know that... my NSL hopefully should be fine... i hope we get Handwashing, Positioning and Ambulating as the 3 stations... =) thne AAP i'm not sure eh.. like can pass but looks damn hard.. nemind.. pray hard i pass.. MIC i have no comment... alot of things but maybe easy to do..dats all... heres to a great Common Test And Clinical Attachment

will YOU be my escape?
6:33:00 pm

Sunday, May 28, 2006

yeah I'm back from I camp.. had so much damn fun..
feeling damn sleepy now ah.. had three days if absolute fun..
Btw the theme is Food and Delicacy.. And My group is ROTI JOHN!! john btw is one of our GLs.. Ying jia was the other.. both of them were so great...
the other groups were Prata, Rojak, and some chinese stuff... we got most outstanding group award..

just some of the things we did:
Fri: Played games like poison ball, balloon busting, soaking people, and confidence walk
( blindfolded).. was full of flour at the end of the night... then had ghost story
telling since our
school has alot of stories.... slept at bout 3.. thats pretty late for me..
Sat: woke up and had morning exercise.. then we started on GoGoGo! which
was our so-called amazing race.. it was fun stuff.. we started the day
by spreading our tuna and salmon on bread and
packing biscuits and our load of 10cent coins ( we were only allowed to bring ezlink card!)

Then we read our first clue.. which was
"the 1st aircin bus interchange in singapore"..
so we went to hdb hub.. there had to observe
the many panels of the fabric of the nation and had to find
bubbles, blossom and buttercup, plus a particular heart shape and multiracial piece...
that was neck breaking to say the least... then had to call farand to get our next clue..
this was cool we had to figure out a fill in the blank thing
it went: South _ _ _ _ / All The _ _ _ / National Day _ _ _ _ _ _..
at first we all assumed it had to do with kallang or city hall.. then me the genius
felt that south had to followed by park.. all the followed by way.. and lastly nd follwed by p..
which spells? ParkWay Parade.. *congratulates self*.. so we took 31 all the way there...
took a short nap and chatted alot on the bus.. went to PP then
had to buy grass jelly, list down fastfood outlets and find the most expensive thing at
coffee bean, which is? Coffee Bean itself of course...
then went to airport... this was damn tough.. had to go find 1 SIA stewardess and pilot at the same time and get a pic of bth together... we were lucky to fin them near a BK..
that was super tough.. i'm lazy to type some more.. so in short, we then went to orchard then went to suntec and shop at carrefour and that was the amazing race.. then had a nice nap
on 171... i nearly fell asleep on John ( my GL )..
then had outdorr cooking.. and then came the dreaded skit part.. the topci was super idiotic lah..
BAPOK.. i wasgoing walau at first.. then our story line was about this terrorist call OhMAMa.. i think you know what i mean... i was ohmama obviously.. had big :assets: and all.. i dont ever want to dress up like that again.. not ever.. i swear i traumatised.. i may be enthu but not like this.. i hate gay people. so you can understand my trauma.. brrr.. shivers..
anyway after that got NIGHTWALK!!!!!! so fun.. actually boring lah.. block 50 again,., most haunted block mah... i saw stuff though.. but cant describe in detail since i didnt look,.. i recited ayat Qursi just in case.. haha.. paranoid but yeah.. must pracitse.. then i was muttering Subhanallah the whole way.. so good for me lah.. see stuff in the classrooms.. there were no GLs in the hallways, so, yah.. i wasnt scared really.. got a few girls scream but whatever... i believe that the block IS haunted.. but, respect the people there and you'll be fine.. i told Wee or is it Wi? donno.. Wee/Wi Ling, my partner to look straight and slightly down.. i boy mah.. must look in front.. but overall the walk was enojyable lah to say the least.. i didnt expect pontianaks to jump out suddenly you know.. if the 13th Com canmake real pontianak come out.. i will congratulate them like theres no tomorrow.. but anyway that was nightwalk.. then sleep..
Sun ( today!! )
clean up.. take pics.. play some games.. then water bomb war..wet.. dry off.. go LT73 watch presentation and prize giving.. yay.. i got a 1 liter OB Bottle.. then all go KAP.. rather.. only me, jun wei, eunice, ying jia, dai en, gary and wee ling go.. everyone else go home.. so sad.. ate macs food of course.. standard OB procedure.. then went home.. then had to remove the stupid nail polish from my nail.. bloody hell.. because of that cannot pray.. missed subuh and zuhur.. basket.. i'm nvr doing gay acting again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phew..
anyway... now have to study for Sociology test tml.. looking forward to common test in week7..

TOMORROW GOING TO GET UNIFORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEXY SEXY NURSING UNIFROMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WANT TO GO TO OB SABAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lend me $500++

will YOU be my escape?
7:58:00 pm

Thursday, May 25, 2006

feeling damn irritated rite now.. had to listen to some
fat-ass mat in the train and his stupid loud hiphop music
from his phone.. did i already say he was a fat-ass and he still
has the cheek to "dance" around.. cant count the number of people
who were real pissed.. then when he fell asleep he still dared to
rest on me as if I'm some wonderful pillow.. stupid arse face.. i shoved him and gave
an F-you face.. stupid man and stupid music...

then after he got off these two idiot and also fat-ass minahs followed his example
and started the loud music.. and guess what.. the exact same music..
Stupid.. stupid stupid stupid people....

will YOU be my escape?
7:57:00 pm

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

im tingling all over.. i'm not cold, or itchy.. just tingling.. .. freaky..

will YOU be my escape?
8:09:00 pm

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
well today was another super dooper boring day.. everyone just shared some lame jokes which were funny.. had the macs jokes, green man jokes.. taught stef how to draw shoes.... ate twisties.. ate KFC..

then i went to Isetan at parkway to get umm. undegarments..the byfords that i got rules man!!
and its amazing how I see more interesting clothes when i "Shop" alone.. so this nice germany shirt.. next time wanna go buy..

well tml is MIC makeup up lecture.. bloody hell.. tml 8am to 6pm.. boleh mati ah.. so not looking forward to it.. but i am looking forward to I Camp this friday.. gonna skip CNP maybe... but i'm also looking forward to Ms Ker Rena teching us.. donno which to choose.. go I camp early or go CNP...

YAHOO!!! 5 more days till uniform collection.. Must take lotsa photos!!

will YOU be my escape?
9:17:00 pm

Monday, May 22, 2006
wow today was so fun.. ms lam didnt come and that meant we went home 5 hours early!!.. miss 2 hours of lecture and 3 of practical.. phew.. so had our first class outing.. well some of us actually..
went to eat at Scotts and went to watch Over The Hedge with Stef, Fad, Eugenie, Jolene, Jolene's guy friend whose name i forgot to get, joespeh and his girl, Lena..

over the hedge rocked man.. i was laughing like an idiot the whole time.. even the small kids who were watching couldnt beat me.. hehe.. ate alot as well today.. snack snack snack.. hai.. then went walking about at Heeren... felt very weird.. at least joseph has a reason for going into shops selling girls stuff.. i looked thoroughly out of place.. but whatever.. stef suggested some shirts but i got no money.. haha.. maybe next time..

well time to do more revision.. dont wanna repeat the same thing for my psychology test just now.. i was asked to define memory.. and i said it was the scientific study of behaviour and mental process.. haha..

will YOU be my escape?
8:48:00 pm

Sunday, May 21, 2006
well this running is quite getting to me alright.. For the first time i've created a plan on how much to run.. so cool.. last friday i ran like 15 rounds at the BLUE track and forgot to take time.. so stupid,.. but i guessed it was like 35-40 minutes.. quite slow.. anyway my plan for the next month is running 4.2 K a day.. thats 10 1/2 rounds.. about 2 to 2.5 minutes per lap until i find it too easy.. i got my advice from this book called FITNESS RUNNING ( bet you couldnt think of that huh? ).. anyways its quite old but very informative.. its from 1994.. haha.. 12 years old.. I already set a target to be as fit as that tennis player Dr. Ron mentioned.. his resting heart rate is like 35 beats/min!!! thats friggin cool man.. and his max is only 70-80?? thats super wicked.. i hope to reach that kind of level by the time i finish NS if not before it.. should be alright..

and singapore idol is tonight.. i'm not a big fan of singaporean music but this show is a great chance for me to make fun of people who can't sing.. i'm especially looking out for those twits who wont admit they can't sing.. they crack me up more than the kind who come dressed as clowns or whatever..

will YOU be my escape?
6:24:00 pm

Sunday, May 14, 2006
well today I had the nicest daydream.. of course its lame but then again my day dreams always end up strange.. so I'm daydreaming in the shower.. of course i almost fell asleep inside.. So the lame dream I had today?

here it is:

I Mirza Abdul Halim was a Major and a Commando in the SAF ( so now you know i'm reallt dreaming ).. I and my trustworthy rifle through some amazing circumstances, found Osama bin LAden and I single-handedly killed him.. so world war three is over.. hahaha.. and I received the Medal Of Honor??? but for some reason after the war I had a permanent damage to the nerves in my right hand.. so i can't use it..

DAYDREAM ENDS.. then I started to wonder how life would be like if I REALLY couldnt use my hand.. so I tried wiping myself.. putting towel on, put clothes.. eat after that without using my right hand..( i wanted to start small, next time, i can't use the whole of my right body.. ;))
and it was, well, difficult.. so please treasure your body.. =)

will YOU be my escape?
7:25:00 pm

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Just look at this sexy rifle..
*Doing the Homer Simpson drool*
Medics'll look great with this rather than the M4
Although technically they are the same thing..

will YOU be my escape?
4:01:00 pm

Friday, May 12, 2006
well today is good friday and I'm dead bored.. everyone's in melacca.. I'm home alone.. =)
went to play pool, and I scored an amazing chip shot.. it was calculated and aimed properly just in case any of you twits want to say it was lucky.. can ask Haziq if you dont believe.. but only played for half an hour since valley opened late.. then went prayers then went home to play my two new PS2 games.. I bought SOCOM3 and Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter.. finally.. the games kicks ass man!! and I won my first online game.. woohoo.. now I'm watchin toy story.. long time no watch.. One of my favourite animation movies.. To Infinity And Beyond!!

and I'm downloading one tree hill season 3.. episode 20 up to the season finale.. to complete my collection.. gonna have one tree hill marathon tonite!!! I hope Season 4's gonna show.. I so love this show..

And I'm gonna Get PLAYSTATION 3!!!!!!!! so happy.. It so BEAUTIFUL.. Gonna buy MGS4: Guns Of The Patriots first.. MGS owns all games!!!

will YOU be my escape?
8:17:00 pm

Thursday, May 11, 2006
well today wost our "PE" day.. not that fun really.. the sun nearly killed me. and I'm not one to complain about the heat... so i ran 5 rounds only... and again vomit... this is like a stupid way to starve myself.. not on purpose of course... I only had coffee from school and tea from home in my stomach and my body still has a mind of its own..

Anyhoo, today was a very hyper day... Laughed everywhere we went... NSL was even worse... Zuli nearly killed me while she brushed my teeth.. The female mannequin fell on BOTH knees and proposed to Stef.. hahaha..

well tml good friday.. go play pool

will YOU be my escape?
6:48:00 pm

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
*pant like siao*

Well today has been a highlight of my quest for ultimate fitness... I ran 6 freakin Ks uphill, side sloping, straight, downhill you name it.. And i felt wonderful.. Of course 6km is nothing.. but it was so great... ran fomr my house to TMS to mobil to siglap park connector then near the ECP then back all the way to rahmans house.. then take bus home.. =).. i dont know how long but "I suppose it was 6km plus..

Anyway tomorrow Is FON test.. week 1 and week 2 stuff.. I'm only worried about the LAQ and this IS our first REAL test.. The NSL one didnt really count... I hope MS Siti gives Nursing Care Delivery SYstems a go at the LAQ..

For my wonderful non-nursing friends. I've leaned the wonderful Code Of Ethics and Professional Conduct..

Nurses/Midwives and thier clients

Nurses/Midwives and their Practice

Nurses/Midwives and thier profession

If you want to know what they all mean can ask me.. =)

Okay I want to go pray and then sleep.. getting up at 5tml.. got test and PE tomorrow

will YOU be my escape?
8:33:00 pm

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
omg i just heard the best syarahan ever.. it was about Ibu and Anak.. so I guess you know what the content is about.. the Ustazah who gave the syarahan was damn funny...

check this out: " yang wanita mati bila melahirkan anak ape panggilnye? MAti syahidkan? Aaaah!! tengok tu.. mati syahid.. tak payah buang masa pegi perang angkat tembak!! Berat tembak!!

must here her say it live to really hear the funniness.. its that even a word??!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....... But of course still more important to take in the meaning of the syarahan..

will YOU be my escape?
6:48:00 pm

today I heard the most amazing phrase ever..

--- SPASTIC SHIT!!!!!! ---

How can you not laugh at that??!! Of course it doesnt literally mean your shit is in spasms but just picture just picture your shit doing just that... I nearly had a heart attack laughing..
Which is why I stand by my view that the word 'spastic' is overrated..

and then I had to show off my arm to Yan.. apparently its full of muscles... lol.. At least I got some positive feedback.. *thumbs up* .. see I so perasaan.. Yan told me to show my arm I paisey2 do it but go inside LT only smile like a happy old idiot.. =D.. lol.. I feel dumb..

**shiok sendiri**

**shiok sendiri**

so much work to do. I feel like killing dear ms lam for giving so much MIC homework. But then again she is my mother's friend.. cannot kill..

will YOU be my escape?
5:37:00 pm

Sunday, May 07, 2006
WOOhOO!!! PAP win.. 82 seats eh.. Power man..

will YOU be my escape?
12:54:00 am

Saturday, May 06, 2006
yeah today is saturday.. nothing much to look forward to since no game on tonight.. damn sleepy... last night came home at 12.. had fun at MaCs with the OB seniors.. i can't believe how long I took to understand some of the games we played.. I feel so lame.. anyways outward bound is so fun.. too bad next week no training..

My class also wants PE lessons.. I'm the PE teacher.. might as well, Seeing that i was a sports cap, we plan to run on thursday and friday and swim.. thats alot of clothes to bring.. lol.. that should be fun..

and i passed my first test of the year.. lol.. i got 8.5 for NSL quiz.. thats kinda bad actually.. i cant believe i got the removal order of the ppe wrong..

cant wait to go school again..

will YOU be my escape?
12:56:00 pm

Thursday, May 04, 2006
owww my legs, my feet, my nose..
i run until pancit yeah.. but must have discipline.. just like thomas said.. must have a specific goal.. tomorrow run again.. did you know i got a tiny slice of onion stuck in my nose after i vomitted an overshot.. lol.. that was painful.. lesson learnt.. no matter how fit or lazy you are, if you are running, dont eat yet...

will YOU be my escape?
6:51:00 pm

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
woah its been almost 2 weeks of school and I never update.. lol.. no time.. So school's been great.. get to come back late.. woohoo.. so far i wouldnt say that the lessons have been tough.. but I think i'm able to categorize the modules already..



fundamentals of nursing is so lame.. well except for maybe code of ethics but otherwise lame..
and dr thomas sim is so funny..

Anyway my obssesion with keeping fit turned on again, so I joined the Outward Bounders... the likelihood of having fun is very very high.. first training already exchanged numbers with so many people.. lol.. safe to say I've made more friends in 3 weeks here than in secondary school..
so fun, alot of people know me.. lol.. never get so much attention before.. maybe cause almost everone is a girl..

And attention includes nursing skills lessons where even Ms Sabrina likes to use me for demonstrations.. I learnt to make beds with people on it!! how cool.. never thought it was possible.. and I also never knew my own strength.. could lift almost everyone almost too well..

well here's to a fun year ahead!!

will YOU be my escape?
8:09:00 pm

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009