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Friday, June 30, 2006
I'm sensing my old fitness again.. I can smell it.. Abit more and I'll return to normal and then I can, no not relax, I will continue pushing myself.. But my heart and lungs are sure taking a beating. I hope I don't collapse anytime soon..

will YOU be my escape?
11:21:00 am

Thursday, June 29, 2006
Pfft.. I'm bored so I shall name my top 10 favourite players of all time.. and the top 10 favourite games I've played and YOU should play too..

10. Carlos Tevez
9. Johann Cruyff
8. Kaka
7. Leonardo
6. Tony Yeboah
5. Eric Cantona
4. Matt Le Tessier
3. Thierry Henry
2. Wayne Rooney
1. Ryan Giggs
10. Call Of Duty 2: Big Red One
9. Final Fantasy VII
8. Hitman: Contracts
7. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
5. Medieval 1 and 2
4. Metal Gear Solid
3. Gran Turismo 4
2. Hitman: Blood Money
1. Metal Gear Solid 3

In the meantime.. tomorrow is OB training.. Yahoo, Finally..

I need to conduct at least 2 Mentos and Coke tests b4 showing it to everyone!

will YOU be my escape?
5:53:00 pm

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I'm obssessed with astrophysics.. face it, i'll never understand the equations explaining black holes but I love em all the same..

will YOU be my escape?
10:28:00 am

Well now don't you tell me to smile
You stick around, I'll make it worth your while
Got numbers beyond what you can dial
Maybe it's because I'm so versatile
Style, profile, I said
It always brings me back when I hear Wu Child
From the Hudson River out to the Nile
I run the marathon to the very last mile
Well if you battle me I will revile
People always say my style is wild
You've got gall, you've got guile
To step to me I'm a rap-o-phile
If you want to battle you're in denial
Coming from Uranus to check my style
Go ahead put my rhymes on trial
Cast you off into exile

Intergalactic planetary
Planetary intergalactic

Jazz and Awol that's our team
Step inside the party disrupt the whole scene
When it comes to beats well I'm a fiend
I like my sugar with coffee and cream
Well I gotta keep it going, keep it going full steam
Too sweet to be sour too nice to be mean
Well on the tough guy style I'm not too keen
Try to change the world, I'mma plot and scheme
Mario C likes to keep it clean
Gonna shine like a sunbeam
Keep on rapping cause that's my dream
Got an A from Moe Dee for sticking to themes
When it comes to envy y'all is green
Jealous of the rhyme and the rhyme routine
Another dimension, new galaxy
Intergalactic planetary

Intergalactic planetary
Planetary intergalactic

From the family tree of old school hip hop
Kick off your shoes and relax your socks
The rhymes will spread just like a pox
Cause the music is live like an electric shock
I am known to do the Wop
Also known for the Flintstone Flop
Tammy D getting biz on the crop
Beastie Boys know when to let the beat... mmm drop?
Well when I wrote graffiti my name was Slop
If my rap's soup my beats is stock
Step from the table when I start to chop
I'm a lumber jack DJ Adrock
If you try to knock me you'll get mocked
I'll stir fry you in my wok
Your knees'll start shaking and your fingers pop
Like a pinch on the neck from Mr. Spock

Intergalactic planetary
Planetary intergalactic
Another dimension

Do it!

I have been deprived of old school hiphop.. nowadays its just nonsense.. Thank God for Beastie Boys..

will YOU be my escape?
9:49:00 am

Mentos + coke = great fun. I need to do it again.

will YOU be my escape?
8:49:00 am

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I just lost my abililty to play the guitar. For real. I have no idea why and I intend to find out.

I tried playing a few Arctic Monkeys songs which I play, or rather, USED to play very well and now I just can't. Even when i tried playing dammit it didnt come out right. Its like I couldnt even pick the guitar or get my fingering right. How does THAT happen???? I find it quite impossible.

Anyway, I so hate the holidays. Nothing to do. Only schoolwork. Everyone else is enjoying themselves. There's nowhere to go, no idea who to go where with, have no money to spend anywhere. As in really no money. Not like you all who say you're broke. I still have no MP3 yet. I can't play the guitar anymore. =@ My soccer buds are all at school. I badly need some street soccer and pool soon!!

will YOU be my escape?
2:53:00 pm

Monday, June 26, 2006
arrghh!! i freakin hate dog shit... i so very nearly got my new running shoes dirty.. i was running and i don't usually look down while running but luckily enough i spotted a pile of crap which i sidestepped and nearly stepped on ANOTHER pile.. this is why i hate dogs, or rather their irresponsible and uncultured owners letting them go wherever they need to GO.. damn them.. i'll never run in peace outside of stadium tracks ever again.. sheesh..

will YOU be my escape?
11:50:00 am

Saturday, June 24, 2006
went "shopping" just now.. though i wouldnt consider it shopping since we only went to queensway and mustafa and bought some neccessary items from ikea - a new tv rack for nenek, some shelves, candles, and a mini-table for nenek also.. did grocery shopping mainly.. my hands hurt now.. i carried so many sacks of rice + all that ikea stuff..

and then went to PP and ate at Kartini.. bleagh.. i hate that stupid restaurant.. overpriced crap with teeny-weeny servings.. i only ate 3 small pieces of sotong and 1 piece of daging.. pfft.. I'd take old chang kee or even cup noodles anytime to that restaurant..

as for me, i bought 1 miserable tshirt which is fine and... i wanted to buy a Kaka Tshirt but there wasnt any for my size.. boohoo..
i finally bought new running shoes!! Its an Asics shoe! its red again just like my last shoe, only red is primary colour not secondary.. i shall try it out straight away tomorrow... so sad to have to depart with my ClubRunner.. used it for 2 years..

next thing to buy --> M16 from Carrefour.. yes childish I know but its a 1:1 model so its not that bad..

will YOU be my escape?
9:19:00 pm

Friday, June 23, 2006
Well its time to celebrate, though I'm not actually doing any celebrating. I'll be spending my time counting the days till school reopens, and shall pass my time going for my runs, doing my exercises, completing my FON journal, my CNP project, PAS project and sleeping..
So sad... I hate holidays.. I only need the weekend to rest really..

will YOU be my escape?
7:41:00 pm

Thursday, June 22, 2006

1 more day.. Just one.. And its time to get my WELL DESERVED rest.. I have never worked this hard in all my life.. From the ulcers to the babies to the elderly. I have seen enough for now. Not that I'm grossed out or anything just tired. 2 weeks of attachment is enough for now. Nursing IS NOT easy but I will manage just fine, I feel. However its kinda sad to end attachment since everyone we have met, from the Nursing Directors, to the ANs, to Physiotherapists, have been extremely nice, helpful and hospitable to us. Must thank everyone who was in-charge of us.

So thanks to: Mdm Ho Wee Ling ( AsstND, Bright Vision )
Sister Magesh, Ma Khin, Sarah and the others ( Bright Vision )
Physios, Romell - hope i spelt it right- and Stella ( United MediCare )
SSN Santhi and the nurses from the various rooms ( Toa Payoh Polyclinic )

My 1st attachment has gone quite well I must say. I have seen everything I need to see except for Woman's Screening and Pap Smear of course which I'm not allowed to view.. No matter though.. Can't wait for school to start!!! Don't know why lah but just like it so much.. And can't wait to 10th July either.. Getting my new MP3 woohoo.. Not those expensive ones like you rich kids have but a Zen Neeon 1GB.. (=
well I've got a presentation to do now on Immunization. Better impress the Sister tomorrow!

will YOU be my escape?
7:07:00 pm

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
so how you like my new layout?

anyway... today was another boring day at the polyclinic.. maybe this is why no guys work here... i was the only male staff.. =) got to see more babies today.. and foot screening.. but slept n slacked alot too.. will die man 3 more days.. tomorrow got Gallery Of Memories which is in freakin Bukit Batok.. so bloody far away..

will YOU be my escape?
5:58:00 pm

Monday, June 19, 2006

so today was at Toa Payoh Polyclinic.. which was ok but damn boring.. got to weigh a few babies, take some temperature, did some dressings and stoned.. haiz.. 4 more days..

I can't wait for the rest of the Common Test results to come out.. So far I have seen my FON and MIC results.. I got 27/40 for FON, which is stupid although it is the 10th highest score in the level.. It still sucks.. I did okay for MIC considering I've never opened a Bio Textbook in my entire life.. got 40/50..

and I can't wait for school to reopen.. I love school so much.. haha..

well gonna watch Lord Of The Rings now on Channel5..

will YOU be my escape?
7:23:00 pm

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

yippeee.. 1st attachment over.. next is hpb.. i'm super tired.. did so many dressings today.. but it was so much fun.. but the working environment is still not my type.. the humidity being the least of my issues.. i shall only work in acute hospitals.... total
primary healthcare is still beyond me... =)

will YOU be my escape?
9:48:00 pm

Monday, June 12, 2006
well today was my first posting to Bright Vision Hospital in Hougang of all places... it was quite a good experience.. the staff were very friendly and we were welcomed personally by the Assistant Director of Nursing.. She was very good although abit kecoh lah but whatever.. I got posted to Compassion ward and observed the Sub-Acute Area.. it was quite cool.. the Sister and Nurse i was assigned to were very nice and helpful and so were the other nurses... got to do quite a few stuff, basics though.. feed, move here, clean there..

saw alot of Um... STUFF.. but i wont disclose anything.. so only shared with Zuli and Fizah, who ad they're own stories.. laugh alot lah.. they were in Nursing Home and Chronic Care Ward respectively... REspect then Hope.. i was in compassion as you know...

but slack alot also.. i just walked around pretending to find work.. then when i got real bored i just go sit in toilet.. since its a vegetarian only hospital the food wasnt all that great but it was alrite.. i can't live without meat though.. need to support my "frame".... had to rush to find a MaCs for a couple of MacChickens... and now I'm freaking tired lah... will need to get used to the pace of nursing soon... the nurse i got her name is something.. again, i wont disclose anything here ah.. she walk everwhere at a seemingly random pace and interval but apparently she had everything coordinated, which was cool and all.. but thank God this is only an overview of attachment... i dont think i could work in a community hospital, sad to say.. so as much as i want to go back tomorrow to have more fun i also want it to end quickly... =)

8-4.. tml 8 - 1030- play game/nursing activities.. 1030 snack break. 1045.. activities 1200.. cabut early for lunch.. 1310-1315.. come back late for next round of work.. 1455.. go for tea break and debrief.. also cabut early...........

will YOU be my escape?
8:19:00 pm

Sunday, June 11, 2006

woohoo.. tomorrow is CA at Bright Vision and I'm feeling stupid. Up to now Stef and Winnie tell me I'll be alone on the first day when it turns out Zuli and Fizah will be there too.. lol.. and here i was worrying about first day of attachment alone.. very dumb.. haha..

will YOU be my escape?
6:17:00 pm

Friday, June 09, 2006

oww my damn back.. i've hurt it twice in 2 weeks.. damn DIY.. i'm gonna be on ice for the next 10 hours at least... hopefull heal in time for tml.. wanna go visit Rudy in hospital.. so sad what happened to him.. hope he gets well quickly..

and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi is dead.. comfirmed.. Allhamdulillah.. thats one less major terrorist... He's an embarrassment to Islam he is..

well need to get more rest, then world cup, then rest again... owwwwwwwww

now i really think i'm gonna fail FON, for real!

will YOU be my escape?
8:50:00 pm

Thursday, June 08, 2006

i feel damn retarded right now.. couldnt even freaking move the dummy properly into a bloody lateral position.. something so simple and i screwd it up big time... thank GOD i did well for my handwashing and pulse..
and i also feel so guilty and all. If i'm not wrong, Rudy took my pulse at the ulna and not the radius but i wasnt so sure. and guess what. he fell off some corridor, according to Zuli - i still can't picture how that happened - and we're gonna go visit him tml at NUH after captains ball which i dont want to go to......... the 2 cca points for players is a bribe..... damn.. if it was soccer or cross country or even BBall i'd be more willing.. luckily i'm only a reserve.. lets hope it stays that way..

and tml is FON the must-pass test... i shall use my lucky charm to pass it..

Here it is," I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail"
thats my lucky charm,.. yay.

and guess what.. i only managed to sound one idiot today in the library.. as expected he was staring like nobody's business.... i asked him whether he wanted something from me and he actually blushed, - BLUSHED for the love of God -, and turned back to his laptop..
people say male nurses are gay.. if you asked me, that boy was the gay one..


I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail
I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail
I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail
I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail
I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail
I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail I'm gonna fail

will YOU be my escape?
8:32:00 pm

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

so glad theres only 2 more days of tests left.. but 2 days is the worst.. have NSL prac.. which i could potentially screw up.. PAS test which just stinks.. and FON, the one module i always say i will fail but am not allowed to fail.. fail this and spend another year as a year 1.. aiyoyo..

but i'm only excited cause get to wear uniform tml.. and i'll know i'll generate ALOT of attention.. from bloody arsefaces who have never seen nurses b4, much less male nurses.. i wouldnt mind so much if you stared at us in uniform cause you didnt know there were nurses in NP since it is only 1.5 yrs old? but they all give that obvious "What planet did they come from?" look.. i actually congratulated joseph after he caught a girl staring at him and said, quote " Yes, I'm a Male Nurse" in the most sarcastic tone he could pull off.. damn that was cool stuff.. but i wasnt in uniform then, well tml is my turn to wear it... i'll purposely go around and find fault with anybody who gives me more than just a glance...

here's to many As...... and a successful 1st CA...

will YOU be my escape?
9:10:00 pm

Monday, June 05, 2006

well today is a relaxing day... went to marine parade library with joseph, rachel and zuli.. i seriously thought we would end up slacking instead of studying, but indeed we studied.. studies like mad.. studied MIC.. i got 2 lectures encoded and stored *chey*.. shall retrieve it tml afternoon.. i hope got ask alot of questions on bacteria.. i do so love the little bastards.. hahah..

whah i ate alot today... can die.. and i'm still hungry... went to eat at the food centre near parkway.. ate nasi goreng.. then i was still hungry.. stomach rumbling like crazy.. went to MacD.. then buy bubble tea... rachel and zuli were amazed i could still eat.. haha.. what they didnt know is i still felt hungry and went to bedok MacD and bought a big mac.. haha.. and guess what.. after the Big Mac, I went ......... home.. not hungry anymore.. thank god.. lucky i use my old EZlink to pay.. if not sure bankrupt... and now i'm hungry again.. more nasi goreng at home.. with soup and hotdog somemore.. i gonna eat now.. buay..

Good Luck to whoever is taking NSL practicals tomorrow. Bet y'all pass straight away when the lecturers see you in uniform.. lol
And Happy 17th Birthday to Khai...

will YOU be my escape?
4:19:00 pm

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Your Kissing Purity Score: 100% Pure

You've hardly ever been kissed

But the kisses you've given are very missed

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as driven and ambitious.

Overall, your true self is passionate and physical.

With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic.
What Do People Think Of Your Face?

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is high.
You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.
And in return, you expect the same from who you love.
Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is low.
You've probably either had only one relationship..
Or all of your relationships have been very similar.
You still have a lot to learn... and a lot to try!


Your dominance is low.
This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.
You know a relationship is not about getting your way.
And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.


Your cynicism is medium.
You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...
But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.
You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist.


Your independence is medium.
In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."
You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.
But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.
The Five Variable Love Test

will YOU be my escape?
2:15:00 pm

You Are 32% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
How Evil Are You?

You Are Jean Grey

Although your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive (even after death).
Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally!

Powers: telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals
Which of the X-Men Are You?

How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.

You give and take equally in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
How Are You In Love?

will YOU be my escape?
1:59:00 pm

Friday, June 02, 2006

wow today i'm super tired... and i stink of cheap cigarette smoke.. bloody bastards somking in the toilet.. wanna kill yourself go ahead, i dont wanna Die too.. i made a show of coughing and spitting phlegm too make my point indirectly but of course they werent to smart to understand..

anyway today i had my AAP test which i got 16/20.. kinda lame actually.. got careless mistake.. but its quite good considering the number of people who failed..

and my freakin stitch won't go away.. all bacause I've been laughing and eating too much these past few days.. pain eh.. lucky today got no OB traning.. like wanna die like that.. but I miss Ob so much.. nvr get to see my people.. training resumes in 4 weeks.. haiz..

this tuesday also is common test.. lucky first paper is MIC, everyone's most hated module.. then I'll have more time for my more important modules...

but i'm not looking forward to the first 2 days of attachment in 2 weeks.. Stef and Winnie both have ambassador camps and I'll be alone at Bright Vision.. confirm I'll be very lost.. haiyo.. not a good way to start my attachment.. hopefully i'll have a pleasant time..

will YOU be my escape?
8:18:00 pm

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009