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Monday, July 31, 2006
crap... I did so well for MIC common test but practicals had to turn up... Gonna fail.. sheesh..

and tomorrow is CNP presentation.. double crap... havent rehearsed anything at all...

lee evans is freaking hilarious!

will YOU be my escape?
6:48:00 pm

Sunday, July 30, 2006
just a thought..

Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "A woman who reveals her body or even wears tight fitting clothes wont come within 500 years of the smell of Jannah."

i can think of some stupid remarks SOME girls will give when told this..

an example: Then i wait 500 years lah...

but then again, me being young and naive, still ain't to bothered about girls who don't cover up.. Yeah sure I get a little unnerved but I don't go around preaching or anything. Soon enough I'll get over this phase.. hahaha.. or not.. whichever...

will YOU be my escape?
8:30:00 pm

Saturday, July 29, 2006
woohoo! CArrick is going to United!

will YOU be my escape?
9:41:00 pm

well I'm beat... yesterday was the most tiring friday... had FON presentation which surprisingly went well despite my bad bad acting... I can't act, much less for an unrehearsed role-play...
We had a case-study on an old woman who had a fracture an had to show her needs and all those

Jolene was the old woman of course... i was her son, fard her daughter-in-law, and Joseph - who else - was the wild lesbian grandaughter.. and of course fard played a nurse and i was a social worker and nisa was the neighbour.. MY character was abit lame.. I declared myself a sophisticated garbage-collector.. I was reading pride and prejudice and smelled of the dumps...
i think the only thing i did well was for picking that chrysanthemum tea box out of the dustbin.. i think my group knows what I'm talking about...

overall got 34/40.. kinda good i guess... and i got 49/60 for my reflective journal! And i lost 10 marks because i didnt do the independant reflection!!!! freakkk.. noone said we'd lose marks, only we'd get more for doing it... i did 6 or 7 or 8.. bloody hell... sheesh..

well now thats 2 projects down, only CNP left..

yesterday's ob training was ok but wasn't that great maybe cause of rain... played netball and volleyball.. my team won the netball game 4-0.. got 1 assist.. hehe.. volleyball was lame... only had one real match point... everything else was out... sheesh..

well a surprise.. i get to plan the last training of the semester along with Dong Yang, Angelia and Xin/Xing? Yi.. dunno how to spell.. haha.. there's gonna be water involved... good stuff
time to implement more individualized running too... everyone lose concentration when they're running the same way over and over.. haha.. i'll do a recce with Dong Yang and plan our route.. torture time.. muahahahaha...

will YOU be my escape?
9:20:00 am

Thursday, July 27, 2006
I'm a noob at first aid. I only know how to run or play soccer, get injured and be given first aid. Hence, the lecture just now was important as it was my first.. hmmph..

will YOU be my escape?
8:16:00 pm

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I think some people might think I'm gay..

  1. I'm single
  2. I have ever only been single
  3. I don't observe girls much at all..
  4. I'm not 'aroused' 65% of the time.. its way less
  5. I occasionally read girls books to get rid of boredom..
  6. I either watch what I eat like its a devoted ritual or I eat anything without bothering whats in it
hmmmm... a pity.. I like girls.. well, one for now.. =)

will YOU be my escape?
9:04:00 pm

imogen heap is wonderful.. but she is freaky... cool freaky..

will YOU be my escape?
9:00:00 pm

does anyone of my muslim friends at school think I'm too religious.. if so, please try to understand that I'm not out to scold any of you if you do anything wrong. I just find certain behaviours strange and like to question them.. You don't have to be spiteful, not that anyone has been but I'm just saying..

one point Especially is swearing... you can literally count the number of words I say in a day...
swearing is apparently rampant among girls but I tend to only notice the muslim girls, naturally..
I try to ignore or pretend I don't hear because it freaks me out..
And I'm not even allowed to tell them off because they'll give you the whole
"mind your own business" thing....... And I'm left feeling bad for myself for trying to correct language... sheesh.. the irony..

will YOU be my escape?
8:04:00 pm

okayyy... is it just me or is joe really great at predicting this sort of crap... he told me to watch Nine Inch Nails happiness in slavery and said I would vomit.. indeed i did.. indeed i did..

will YOU be my escape?
5:34:00 pm

as probably seen by Joseph, I was sexually harrassed by Paula just now in FON lecture..
Cool stuff though.... I was literally in shock.. hahaha..

At least now my mood has taken a turn for the better... I was seeing double in the morning cause I OD on piriton... at least my flu's half gone..

hmm, flowers? =)

will YOU be my escape?
4:49:00 pm

Monday, July 24, 2006

i love fighter planes...

The MiG-25 Foxbat fighter plane is the most insparational plane to me...

very nerdy random post...

will YOU be my escape?
9:58:00 pm

i'm super bored.. so i shall list random fav stuff

Favourite mountain: Matterhorn
Favourite country: Germany
Favourite sniper rifle: Accuracy International Super Magnum
Favourite fighter plane: Mig-25 Foxbat
Favourite soccer boot: Adidas Copa Mundial
Favourite military unit: Brit SAS, GSG-9, Delta Force
Favourite video game(current): HITMAN: BLOOD MONEY
Favourite line now: "hah... owned"

will YOU be my escape?
9:42:00 pm

at this point of time. I have no idea who likes or does not like me at school...


hmm.. what, now?

will YOU be my escape?
6:14:00 pm

just read Kakak Kirah's tag.. i just wanna say thanks and need not apologize. I think your family was one of the few who weren't "misbehaving".. lolz..

enjoyed sitting at my void deck at night... cool stuff

will YOU be my escape?
5:39:00 pm

Sunday, July 23, 2006
well, shockingly, its been 2 days plus nenek passed away.. Amazing how time flies huh.

after everything has been done for her, meaning after she passed on, I start noticing people's behaviour on the day she passed away and the day after. Amazing how some people don't realize the fact someone has actually passed away and how others behave with respect to other factors.

Of course almost everyone who came were relatives of some sort. I may have said I was content with letting my other relatives see my nenek, you know, get to kiss her forehead n' all, and also her burial, which i hardly poked an eye at due to unknowns standing in front of me, but I was really frustrated with those relatives who are so-called 'far' connections. Firstly, my nenek, is NOT directly related to you. Second, Its MY house, technically my dad's, but mine all the same. 80% of those who came didnt know whose house it was.. lol..

I shoved some lady - discreetly - who pushed me to get a clearer view of nenek. She practically climbed over some people. Aiyo... Macam nak kena sepak. Anyhoos, I'll log that away. No point pondering about such trivial matters.

Some other, more serious matters, I would say, were the issues on stuff like Tahlil 'sessions' and my nenek's stuff.

Its amazing how some so-called 'religious' people in my family have very very werid beliefs. I naturally would follow my parent's beliefs, but lets not forget I went to Madrasah at adult level too okay. Not meaning to brag, but I know ALOT of stuff. And never in my entire life, have I heard, that you have to put nice smelling stuff and burn stuff over a deceased's bed, because the roh (spirit) will come back at night.

And i really wanted to say.. "Roh tengah di soal. Mane ade time nak balik rumah?"
(spirit is being questioned. where got time to go home?)

Haiz... people ah....

And why, OH why, don't people get that my parents are tired and are emotionally drained.. I can safely say my dad and mom cried the least that day.. but their lack of apparent sadness was replaced by major stress.. I really think my parents havent been treated fairly these pass few days.. and my dad, even longer... I hope people will realize their being very evil right now..


went to Nani's(my other late grandma) house just now.. met Mamu Mumtaz there.. HAd a funny, albeit serious discussion about funerals and such. we were discussing this kenduri and all, and how it was 100% uneccessary.. he made us laugh so much with his comments which were very logical.. all this sessions, won't happen if it wasnt for food, FOOOOOD... a serious discussions would have left me screaming.. but it was Mamu Muntaz.. you HAVE to laugh..

I hope i have shed some light now on funeral matters and such..

will YOU be my escape?
9:24:00 pm

Saturday, July 22, 2006
21/7/06 6:10pm.. Nenek's last breath.

Didnt get to see it though. Was late by 10 mins. Nemind. Better to let my relatives see her go. I've been nursing her (with help of course) for the past (month?). So I'm more relieved than sad. But still feeling down. Will probably be for the next few days. She was suffering too much anyway. At least it was peaceful.

Some weird stuff happened too yesterday. Guess what I learnt in Nursing Skills Lab on the 21st.
um... what's going on? I don't wanna be too suggestive or anything, but, just needed to point that out.

will YOU be my escape?
9:07:00 pm

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Today had very nice/interesting conversations on the way home on the train.. 40 minutes from clementi to tanah merah with your good classmates is very enjoyable...

..imminent war.. although not the kind I like.
rifts like that of the Great East African, no good.

and my grandma is in a BAD, BAD way right now.. I was reciting dua kalimah syahdah in her ear for the past hour.... May Almighty Allah ease her and relieve her right now.... She's struggling. Me and my mom, the 2 nurses at home are trying to figure out her condition.. Heart:Normal Pulse:Normal.. Tube: in stomach.. so, what?

will YOU be my escape?
9:32:00 pm

okay so today I finally finished the URINARY SYSTEM.. which I hate, but now enjoy cause I totally understand everything.... This is how urine forms in the simplest term

Blood from Renal artery goes to segemental artery to interlobar artery to arcuate aretery to interlobular artery to afferent/efferent arteriole, then into the Renal Corpuscle which contains the GLomerulus and the Bowman's capsule..

in the glomerulus, blood is filtered and the filtrate containing ( plasma, ions, etc) is caught in the Bowman's capsule..

Then your filtrate is passed into the Proximal Convoluted Tubule where there is active reabsorption of nutrients, plasma proteins and ions from filtrate...
Then your filtrate becomes peritubular fluid which gies into the Loop Of Henle which function is the reabsorption of water ino the vasa recta.. Vasa recta is a capillary bed which nourishes the kidney..

Anyway after sodium and water is reabsorped into the kidney after the Loop Of Henle, the peritubular fluid goes into the Distal Convoluted Tubule which releases many toxins, drugs..
Then FINALLY the peritubular fluid becomes urine.. which is collected in the , duh, collecting tubule..

then you pee..


not over yet...

the collecting tubule goes into the URETER which goes ALL the way to your? BLADDER..
The ureter connects to your bladder, there's 2 ureter... and ends up in a urethra.. in guys its longer than gals.. i think we all now why... then there's the internal n external sphincter... the internal opens only when you open the external.. meaning you relax yourself when you wanna pee... so thats how urine is formed..

I am so gonna ace AAP test on Friday

will YOU be my escape?
8:19:00 pm

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Zuli says I should have a wife post. So here's one. Doubt it'll be that interesting anyway..

Zuli mentioned a president and astronaut, etc

I'll just mention Some basic characteristics:
Must, MUST be A Muslim girl (duh)
Prefer any pretty face and I'm not choosy as to whether your apple, pear or papaya shape, ok maybe I'm ABIT choosy but I can make exceptions..

And I badly want to marry another nurse. Hence, one other consideration for choosing this course..
Unfortunately that's how narrow my choice is.. Nurse strictly.. Prefer NP graduates.. heehee.. don't want NYP.. =P

will YOU be my escape?
9:58:00 pm

Sunday, July 16, 2006

will YOU be my escape?
5:57:00 pm

wow I'm so happy right now... I'm doing nursing stuff at home that I won't be doing for at least a few years.. and my home is like a nursing home without the other patients.. hehe..
mami Giah ( i donno how to spell), my aunt, is a home nursing 'expert' and she brought NG tube for Nenek.. and i got to insert it by myself too.. with supervision of course...
Was so cool.. I'm extremely lucky to have a few nurses in the family, namely my mom, cik giah and uncle majid.. not to mention I get to show off abit too.. hehe..

so now I'm expert at tube feeding already.. I can aspirate myself and test it.. and also, my dad taught me this cool technique to lift her up to reduce the effort.. She's over 100kg and I used my dad's method and it worked effortlessly, almost. I'm laughing now thinking about my uncles and aunts who couldnt lift her up bacause she was too heavy, no offence to them, but all it required was technique... And of course strength too lah... NOw only my dad n me need to be around to cope with carrying her... I shall teach my classmates this method... its very very useful and reduces back strain significantly..

Ok now I need to tend to my stomach then I shall go for my morning run.. bye..

will YOU be my escape?
9:33:00 am

Saturday, July 15, 2006
I finally went to play pool with my class buds yesterday... I shouldn't have taken the big table.. We played so few games and each game was dreadfully slow.. And Joseph lied about being bad.. Should have seen him throw his emotion while playing.. Anyway's did the coke+mentos experiment finally.. Worked! I did it under a flyover, and it reached the surface of the road above me.. Which is very very high..

And for a very strange reason, I feel I've insulted 1 or 2 people.. I have no idea why.. If anybody thinks I have done anything to hurt your feelings, please tell me ya.. stress leh.. and oh yah, if you think I insulted you because its about something religious (to my muslim friends), it doesnt count okay?

will YOU be my escape?
1:38:00 pm

Thursday, July 13, 2006
wow this video is good... A Jewish guy converted to Islam. very insparational.. if anyone wanna see go google video and type, islam.. then find the one where it says orthodox jew converts.. its a very nice story.. It takes alot of sacrifice to convert to Islam...

will YOU be my escape?
8:53:00 pm

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
today had FON lecture, but had CA sharing session instead. Heard some very interesting stories. Faliqh's was the most interesting. Told us bout some makcik on the train commenting on how guys in uniform look sissy and how he scolded her.

I for one won't react to this kind of people. Since she was old, I don't think there would have been any point in taking offence. If young girls say male nurses look hot, then I'll take the view of the younger generation obviuosly. Funny stuff.

will YOU be my escape?
8:53:00 pm

Monday, July 10, 2006
woohoo! finally got my Zen Neeon.. its so nice.. my father 'commanded' 2 of his men to go buy it 4 me since 1 of em wanted the same 1 and my father had duty at Tuas... how very nice.. they were 25th n 26th in the queue.. lucky.. I actually wanted 2 buy the 8gb microphoto online 4 $179 but decided I had no use for it and I don't have nice pictures anyway.. =(

will YOU be my escape?
9:49:00 pm

Italy won.. woohoo.. didnt bother to wake up and watch...

One thing I hate about the world cup - Fake supporters turn up everywhere.. people who never watch football make comments and discuss players as if they've known about the players for many years.. Most of this people will of course say they support brazil or france.. typical.. sheesh..

also mostly these kind of ppl called Zidane stupid for headbutting MAterazzi.. I say big deal.. I even admire him for doing such a thing on retirement day.. It's just how he felt at the moment.. whether it was stupid or not was up to him to decide..

I still say the ugly teams rule.. England (mostly), Germany n Netherlands and everyone else..


some cool trivia.. to find out how real a football fan you are, see exactly how many of your favourite players are the ones who are super good-looking or have good fashion sense.. the lesser of them you have and the more "ugly" ones you have the more true you are.. ( eh cool, another bragging right to add to my collection - Imma true football fan.. )

my favourite players are alan smith, rooney, giggsy.... go figure.

will YOU be my escape?
5:03:00 pm

Sunday, July 09, 2006
ahhh!!!! I'm so gonna save money and get MAnU's new jersey... Bloody hell, this is beautiful...

will YOU be my escape?
8:26:00 pm

some random thing about me: I prefer bragging rights over ANY material item. Nothing better to piss people off.

For example, I have bragging rights over finishing all of Gran Turismo's 24 hour races, which i completed in real time, which is, literally one whole day.. and there are 3 such races. And I would prefer this to taking part in the competition where you could win some stuff.

I also have bragging rights over my finishing time for metal gear solid 3.. something less than 2 hours..

these ARE of course, just for games.. others I shall not say.

will YOU be my escape?
4:44:00 pm

I got bored so I shall say this. I am sick and tired of boys who admire handsome and/or cool guys and copy their style to even the most minute detail to impress people. Hence, my right to call myself unique.

will YOU be my escape?
4:28:00 pm

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I may work out, I may run, I may be able to carry a 100Kg person, but I'm still so weak.

I can't help being injury-prone. Last week I went for OB training and injured (not just hurt) my right arm.

Then, yesterday i went to play pool before Ob training and cut my finger while trying to shoot the ball.
Then after that went to play soccer at the basketball court with Rahman, Haziq and the usual bedok soccer people. I fell down and sprained my right hand after a tackle and later on twisted my ankle after tripping on my own feet. I feel pathetic right now. Oh yeah, had a big blister after playing too. Had to skip OB training bacause of injuries. Sheesh..

will YOU be my escape?
12:22:00 pm

Thursday, July 06, 2006
aaahh... C+ for PAS.. boring deh.. more disappointment in Common Test..

and the stupid tagboard website disappeared.. Flood my new one.

will YOU be my escape?
6:17:00 pm

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Got this quote off soccernet.com

The most disgracefully unprepared team in England's World Cup history was... captained by a narcissist so obsessed with himself that when the inevitable humiliation came, he cried for himself, not his country

Sadly, despite being the team I give most support to, I HAVE to agree with this. The only people who deserve credit from this World Cup campaign for them are Owen Hargreaves and Joe Cole who played brilliantly but were let down by everybody else. And not seeing Wayne Rooney, one of my favourite players receiving any credit is a big thing. He didn't play well at all. Not his fault though.

And more disappointment. Germany are out. Stinks. I say Italy win the world cup.

will YOU be my escape?
10:51:00 am

Monday, July 03, 2006
I just noticed 11 of 12 of my links are girls. JoonTat is the loner guy. Haha.

will YOU be my escape?
9:20:00 am

tagged by fizah.. =(
- dark
- fit
- loves maths
- short
- wonderful appetite
- wavy hair
- always in a good mood
- Allah Maha Besar
- Hari Qiamat
- Cockroaches
- Tearing my muscles
- Failing tests
- Being a passenger in a car
- My imagination
- ?
- Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys
- Gotta Reason - Hard-Fi
- TRiple Trouble - Beastie Boys
- Waste Of Time - The Unseen
- Warlocks - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
- Simply Because - Rooney
- Headlock - Imogen Heap
- school
- my friends
- music
- running
- soccer
- Nutrisoy
- Manchester United
- yo.
- hah?
- bapak kau nye laki
- ini bapak tiri laki MAK kau..
- what the hell?
- ahh..
- musibat
- uncultured swine
- faezah
- Joon Tat
- paula
- yas
- zira
- zuli
- gen|e

will YOU be my escape?
7:29:00 am

Sunday, July 02, 2006
oww my arm hurts.. OB training on friday was fun.. wasnt that tough but I practically destroyed my right arm doing my push-ups wrong.. now it won't straighten-up right.. damn..

will YOU be my escape?
8:04:00 pm

Saturday, July 01, 2006
woohoo.. I got A for AAP.. only 2 more tests results to see.. And PO2 has the highest no. of distinctions, 5 to be exact. I'm not sure who since I didn't bother checking...

And I signed up for OB Sabah.. The trip's bloody expensive even after subisidy and I'll probably won't be able to afford it or rather my parents can't. Damn.

money. money. money

will YOU be my escape?
2:09:00 pm

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
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