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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I stole this from Xingwen's blog. Heh heh. It's a name personality teller thingy which is probably just for fun.

A- Damn good kisser.
B- Good all around person.
C- You're wild & crazy.
D- You have one of the best personalities ever.
E-You have a nice ass
F- People totally adore you.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
I- You get hyper easily.
J- Everyone loves you.
K- You like to try new things
L- You live to have fun.
M- Success comes easily to you.
N- You are absolutely beautiful.
O- You're an awesome person.
P- You are popular with all types of people.
Q- You are a hypocrite.
R- Sexy!
S- Easy to fall in love with.
T- You're loyal to those you love.
U- You really like to chill.
V- You are not judgemental.
W- You are very broad minded.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for.
Z- You're a little too hard to find.

M- Success comes easily to you.
I- You get hyper easily.
R- Sexy!
Z- You're a little too hard to find.
A- Damn good kisser.

This thing doesnt seem so accurate. When has success come easily. I fight hard to win races or games n even exams!
I don't get hyper! I'm calm and collected all the time.
Sexy???!!! Wtf?!!!!!
I'm a little hard to find. Yes In the dark you'll die looking for mee.
Good kisser?? How would I or anyone else know? I havent kissed! KNN!

will YOU be my escape?
8:55:00 pm

well today wasnt as bad as yesterday.. Had more work 2 do, so, din really pause. I made a record number of beds 2day..

Just starting 2 get used 2 routine, but, had to spoil it with PM shift tmr.. damn.. I love mornin shift. Getting to the hospital at 640am in the dark.. Cool stuff.
And I got to shave someone 2day.. quite fun.. he bled though, caused he moved to much...

well... 17 more days till I get a well-deserved rest.

will YOU be my escape?
4:18:00 pm

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
ahhhh.. today is the official 1st day of work.. started of with a 90min roll-call cum report-taking.. excellent.. nothing like standing that long in the morning... well everything went pretty fast actually... did a million stuff. did a million beds. bathed a million patients. fed millions of ppl. Rush from here to there attending to stuff the whole day. Apart from the break, I was standing n walking n runnin' the whole 7 hours 45 min...

And guessed what I did RIGHT before going to EAT..
Clean an ass. Yep. Not very sightly. But hey, being a guy, ehem, I just tahan-ed and could eat in peace..
Haha. Even manage to eat a chicken pie, and 2 Torquitos! omg, those things are uber-delicious man.. And I got my 2nd one from Zee, for free. Haha. He din like it.
Well yeah, that just about summed up my first day. 18 more to go.

And I'm going back to TMS on thurs for teachers' day. Due to my laziness, I shall not bring extra clothing for my evening shift and parade all day in my uniform. :|

will YOU be my escape?
4:46:00 pm

Monday, August 28, 2006
crap.. first day at CGH wasnt that great. I only did one procedure. Haha.

Tomorrow will be the real start. *burp*
Everyone's hoping not to kill anyone. Haha.

I bet everyone's out discussing thier day. And I'm at home. I hate being at home. I enter and I only want to lie down on the bed. Haha. My house is a very unmotivating place to be energetic. *burp*
I'm too lazy too even go bathe. Bleagh...

will YOU be my escape?
5:34:00 pm

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Man U are 9 points up.
I'm in not in the right mood for attachment.
I feel very extra.


will YOU be my escape?
12:21:00 pm

Saturday, August 26, 2006
well SOMe people have questioned my view on girls' ability to control their desires and such, and call me bias. Fine.
Since you won't take my religious point of view, lets take a look at what PSYCHOLOGIST say okay. Everyone should read up on psychology. Its a cool topic.. I like learning it..

we all know how all girls say all males have big egos and such?
I agree a 100%.

Now for the psychological perspective.

We have in our minds what we call, Superego, Ego, and, Id
Superego has to do with morality (if I discuss superego, ppl will get mad)
, Ego is reality and Id is desires
ID is a strong thing alright. And its totally unconcious.
EGO is what keeps Id in check, meaning it keeps our desires on hold until it is required.
since MALESS have big EGOs, obviously we have better control of our Id, hence better control of our desires.
Not enough proof to the obvious already?
Then too bad.

Never tell me I'm bias or anything unless you have scientific proof...

will YOU be my escape?
12:05:00 pm

Friday, August 25, 2006
It suddenly came to mind that I have never seen myself from the back, be it my hair or, my BACK! so I decided to take a picture, and wow, I have a freaking V-shaped back! weeee! and I never knew I was shaped like that. Haha, anyway, I think it rules..... =P

will YOU be my escape?
8:27:00 am

okay, I've made up my mind to buy ManU's jersey with the money I have now, and some that I get from attachment. But I can't decide, Red or White?
Can please help and tell me which one I will look nice in??

will YOU be my escape?
7:58:00 am

well, exams are over.

Here's a summary of what I feel of the papers.

Microbiology & Infection Control - waste of time
Anatomy & Physiology - fun and easy
Fundamentals of Nursing - I just hope I don't flunk it
Psychology and Sociology - Easy, but, somehow I think I flunked it too..

well. My target is at least 2As and 2C+ (minimum)..

well, just pray I do well.

next up, attachment. I'm feeling kinda nervous.

will YOU be my escape?
7:33:00 am

Thursday, August 24, 2006
well I'm feeling very confident ahead of today's PAS paper for a few reasons.

1. Man United Destroyed Charlton just now in the wee hours of the morning and are top of the table.
2. If, and IF this info is correct, I have already passed PAS by some calculation I made. But I'm not relying on it but it still has me high with hope for doing well for PAS.

well. time to bathe and rush to school................

will YOU be my escape?
9:01:00 am

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
well.. today is ONE rest day. I just came back from playing soccer, ALONE, at the field behind Temasek Pri. One thing I like about playing alone is I can work on different stuff slowly. There was NOBODY around since all the uniform people are in school. Was so windy and quiet.

And there was a lucky goalpost there! So since there was noone else to play with, I just ran around like a lunatic, dribbling and shooting from far. Most of you wouldnt know but I get frekaed out if I shoot from near. I can't stand one-on-one, assuming of course there WAS a goalkeeper.
And I dribbled damn well, also because noone was there. Haha.

And practised my FREE-KICKS!! I've been trying BECKHAM style lately, but just can't get it right. Sure it may go in at times, but I can't get the bend right. Well, Becks does destroy his back doing it, so I shall refrain. I shall stick to Cristiano Ronaldo style, which I do almost effortlessly. And also Van.Persie or Henry style. Very nice to do. And I'm very accurate too. Haha.

K, I'm going to eat breakfast now. Oh yah, last night Paula woke me up at 1am, then I got hungry, so I made omelette with banana!!! It was DISGUSTING at first, but after I modified it abit, it tasted nice. Healthy somemore eh. I never use oil. Haha.

will YOU be my escape?
7:33:00 am

Monday, August 21, 2006
yay.. just now aap exam.. everything was easy, but mcq was sucky and I had on idea how to answer Jolene's inflammatory disease.. sheesh..

I finished after an hour, just like MIC, and started drawing stuff.. I drew my table, I drew a Jedi Knight, I drew an F-18 Hornet parody and a chef. Also drew zuli and julien cause they were the easiest.. Hahah. BOring..

will YOU be my escape?
1:04:00 pm

Friday, August 18, 2006
wahahah! I'm so sad right now. Got thrashed by Muhammad at pool just now after prayers. 6-2 I think it was?

Walau, and its always I either miss last ball or the 8 ball. *pfft*

The worst was when I had the break, and shot ALL 7 balls in turn by turn and lastly I pocketed the 8 with ease but the stupid cue decided to TARIIKKKK all the way back into another hole.

I got off many wonderful shots though. Haha. 2 chip-shot goals. 5-6 90° shots. hehe. and various other nice ones.

Well, looking forward to play with school mates though. Only played once with Jo and co. I have no idea how well they all play. Must find out. Whaha.

will YOU be my escape?
4:40:00 pm

ah nuts.. I was just getting my hopes up for FON marks.. I suddenly thought common test marks were NOT part of the coursework. Crap. If it wasn't, I would have 52.7 marks. And wouldnt need to pass my exam. Haha. ANDD, I would have needed to get at least 44.6/100 to get a distinction. Wahahah. Dream on. DREAM on.

Well, turns out common test IS part of coursework. Damn. SO, my previous calculation holds then.
And its sad cause I'd have to get 90+ to get a distinction. Crap. Its like English mid-term paper all over again.

will YOU be my escape?
12:02:00 pm

Did you know that most gender-wise stereotypes you hear, are totally the opposite. Meaning they apply to the opp sex and not you.

For example. Girls, you're asked to cover yourself up.
Why? Because, SUPPOSEDLY, guys can hardly control thier urge and stuff.

But, the opposite is true.
Proof? In our modern context, even to guys, the craze is shopping and stuff related to it.
Tell me, who can't control it more?
I think we all the know who.

Btw, another word for stereotypes, in context of course, is common sense.
Like what our dear lecturer Mr Lim Shi An says, common sense cannot be applied to the real world as in evolves over time.
Stereotypes back then don't apply now.
Guys were evil back then, girls are now. Probably hemophrodites, however you spell it, will be the ones turning evil in the future. Who knows.

The fact is, stereotyping is severly outdated.

will YOU be my escape?
9:13:00 am

Thursday, August 17, 2006
My lymphatics and integumentary systems have failed me for some unknown reason..

I've been exercising as usual, drunk my required amt of water, done nothing wrong, and now my fever is skyrocketing. My lips are bruised and my back is sore. And my eyes are burning.

I'm heaving a bad bad headache.

why, oh why.

I shall go and take a nap then.....

will YOU be my escape?
2:07:00 pm

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I just realized something........

My FON coursework, which is 50% of the total, is 39.2

Meaning, I need 11.8 marks to get a pass with D grade.

11.8 means 23.6 in the exam paper. 23.6/100?

I'm feeling quite good right about now........

Except I have a fever and a migrain....

will YOU be my escape?
2:48:00 pm

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
today is a nice day.

Hazy, but not choking
MP3 player by my side
Hot Cocoa

The perfect environment to study MIC!!

will YOU be my escape?
4:58:00 pm

haha.. was browsing wikipedia and decided to look up events on my birthday...

some of the more interesting ones:
1888 - Vincent Van Gogh cuts off the lower part of his left ear, takes it to a brothel, and gives it to a prostitute named Rachel.
1954 - The first human kidney transplant is performed by Dr. Joseph E. Murray at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.
1970 - The North Tower of the World Trade Center is topped out at 1,368 feet, making it the tallest building in the world.

And some people born:
1613 - Carl Gustaf Wrangel, Swedish soldier (us military heads will know him)
1943 - Harry Shearer, American actor (voices some guys in The Simpsons)
1956 - Dave Murray, English guitarist (Iron Maiden)
1985 - Harry Judd, British drummer (McFly)
1989 - Me

Some guys who PASSED AWAY:
none impt

National Holidays:
Japan. The Emperor's Birthday Wahahah

will YOU be my escape?
4:46:00 pm

Monday, August 14, 2006
well today had the cpt ball games, which was very short, while the wait was long.

today was the first time I hung out with friends other than those in my class. Haha.

Spent the day with a long chat with Ez and Rudy. Watched Yan and her gang play crocodile or whatever they called it. Entertaining stuff.

Well it was a change from my usual class.. Haha.

will YOU be my escape?
9:13:00 pm

well.. since I have so much free time... I shall take 67 ALL THE WAY to school today...

will YOU be my escape?
9:13:00 am

Sunday, August 13, 2006
believe me, I'm a nerd.

yet another uneligible factor. Sheesh.

I love Wikipedia

will YOU be my escape?
8:32:00 pm

I just realized. Tomorrow is NSL theory test, no, exam. It is half-an-hour. Yes, mind you, half-an-hour.

Bedok to Bukit Timah
Bedok to Bukit Timah
Bedok to Bukit Timah
Tanah Merah MRT - Clementi MRT - 154/184/52 - SChool - Uphill
Tanah Merah MRT - Clementi MRT - 154/184/52 - SChool - Uphill
Tanah Merah MRT - Clementi MRT - 154/184/52 - SChool - Uphill

Get it?

Oh, And my Dad finally bought a new car to replace that old dump. And I was TOTALLY in the dark about it. Only knew about it tonight when they bought it 4? 5? days ago.

Toyota Wish. Its blue in colour. And guess what. I SWEAR upon my life when I saw a picture, I thought it was PINK. Yes, please pity the colour-deficient weirdos like me out there.

will YOU be my escape?
8:14:00 pm

Saturday, August 12, 2006
well I decided to stay home and play SOCOM3 whole day. I'm damn bored lah walau. Noone going out, noone playing soccer. pfft.

I actually wanted to cook today but decided it was lame since I'm all alone. So this is what I ate today:

3 Pieces of Egg Prata
1 Litre of Nutrisoy
2 pieces wholemeal bread w/cheese

1 Litre of water

1 Pack Mee Poh Dry
2 Eggs, Sunny Side Up

1 Litre of water again

Dinner ( noW!!)
1 pack of Mutton Chop, Indian Style.
More water.

Sometimes, I really DO wonder why I'm not fat. Girls, kill me now.

I hate girls who call themselves fat when they're not. Since you think it affects how people look at you, why don't you just let us guys decide huh? Many of my friends do that, and I am SERIOUSLY disturbed.

Its sometimes horrific to be around too many girls. I hope I'll live. =)

will YOU be my escape?
6:24:00 pm

Girls, any girl, looks nice in tudung. Period. Especially when they look nice b4 wearing.

will YOU be my escape?
1:18:00 am

well just went to read AAP results... lame lah.. 15 marks exam also need to give grade.. haha
I got AD lah, which sounds embarassing since it was only prac test leh...

And Dr Ron mentioned something bout some guy with ugly handwriting who got full marks. Haha, I immediately assumed it was Joseph, since he says his handwriting sucks, or was it his handwriting is ugly, or not nice? Nvm not impt. so i got 13? 14? cannot be full marks. Definitely got 1 wrong....

will YOU be my escape?
1:14:00 am

well last OB training finished. Despite com guys praising us, I'm still abit disappointed with my performance as co-leader for the day.... sad huh..

then on the way home, chatted with Jason about how quality of OB has dropped in terms of training difficulty... 1st few comm members (guys) became commandos leh!!. And girls became Ngee Ann's top athletes!!

I really want tougher trainings!!!!!!!!!

but the girls really need to cooperate eh... trying not to be bias, but mostly them slowing us down, and runs and pt aren't really that tough... I know I'm fit and all and blah blah blah, but still.. haha.. very funny eh...


will YOU be my escape?
12:35:00 am

Thursday, August 10, 2006
ooh.. tomorrow is NSL prac test. I'm scared to wits. Haha. And tmr I shall lead OB Training! Praying it goes smooth.

And after that I watch fireworks at home. ALone. Hehe. Everyone go Melacca liao. I shall be alone on Sat too. haha. I still have yet to decide whether to go to NACC duathlon to help out. Like lazy eh. Wanna sit at home and play SOCOM III eh.

will YOU be my escape?
9:01:00 pm

aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! I just went to Bedok Stadium just now and i practised sprinting.. I told some old man to time me. And i got 11.9 secs for 100m!!!!!!!!!!! I love myself for that. Its been a long time since I could sprint that fast. Hopefully its not a one-off.

will YOU be my escape?
7:41:00 am

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
well I'm enjoying myself right now. Just saw the Chinook pilot turn round and round showing the flag to ships I guess haha. The F16s were nice and clear too.. And right now I'm looking at two fireworkds displays simultaneously. On my Tv and behind is the window and I see the Stadium rite here.. Haha.


I now have a few renditions of Ave Maria on my comp. Haha.

I have one by Hayley Westenra, one by Kenny G, one by Liona Boyd??,
and one by Jesper Kyd ( the hitman one) ..

Lol. Thats how much I like the song. All four are different. I like Hayley Westenra's one best. Excellent stuff.
And I downloaded A Scanner Darkly. It was 700MB ++ and took about 2 hours? And the end product was some crap movie. It was in some weird language? sounded like former east bloc kinda. Haha. I should have downloaded the 2 part one. That was the correct file. Haha

will YOU be my escape?
7:55:00 pm

Happy Birthday Singapore!


I can't wait for the helicopters to pass my house. I can see the Chinook pilots from here. And not too mention I get to see the F16s separate into 5 from far away instead of on TV. It looks cool from the back of the formation. Also, I can see the commandos jump from all the way here in Block 72.
And lastly I get to see the fireworks nice and clear.

And if they have the military vehicles on display than I might get to see them pass by the road beside my block. Muahaha. Time to enjoy National Day.

will YOU be my escape?
6:09:00 pm

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I just discovered something new to draw, Spiders! And I drew a nice tarantula on my first try. I called it a bald mexican red-knee because i drew his head wrong and he looked bald. Haha.
And I can also drew a new kind of plane in addition to my Russian and hybrid
( western + russian ) plane designs. I can draw ZERO fighters too.. Haha. I actually wanted to draw a Supermarine Spitfire and it became a Zero. Haha. Blooper.
Did I mention I love drawing guns too. I have no idea why I love all this killing tools, but they're just too cool. My fav to draw is the M4 carbine and my own bolt-action sniper-rifles. Hehe. Excellent stuff... Others include Browning High-Power and FN Five-SeVEn.. I love firearms! But no russian ones though. Haha.
And a minor ability is drawing guitars and shoes and occasionally scenic stuff.. I can draw well when I'm really in the mood. But I usually stick to the usual..

I so love drawing!!!!!!!!

and i also think I got nothing better to do. This is my 4th post today. I feel dumb right now. And only I am allowed to call myself dumb. Even parents are off-limits to that word. Seriously.

Oh yah, on that note I shall tell you something about me and dealing with things that piss me off. I don't think I've mentioned this, maybe I have but noone seems to notice. Haha.
ANYway. When people piss me off by bragging something about themselves, or insulte or mock me, I will retaliate, and mind you this works everytime, with something to couter the EXACT point you're bragging or insulting me about although sometimes, 3rd party ppl are affected.
For example, if someone says I like this person, and I really hate or don't like them, I will start to say bad things about that 3rd party. Not that I want to, but I'm forced to. Thats just how I am.
If you say you're good at something, like running or playing guitar or drawing, and you say it in an arrogant matter, I will counter it very well by introducing something I do well. Haha. Kinda lame, but it works. In the end, when Its me thats supposed to be pissed off, the pisser gets pissed. hehe. that was a crappy conclusion sentence.

will YOU be my escape?
8:27:00 pm

tomorrow is National Day. I just remembered some random thought that made me mad. I estimate that 70% of most people who go and watch the NDP show or not go and who sing the songs and everything, aren't really patriotic and are mostly those who take Singapore from granted...

Sorry for bragging, but I'M patriotic. I shall not bother explaining how so.

I think, and I feel I'm right, that many Singaporeans take everything for granted. Like our beloved 'basic' infrastructure.. How many of you have marvelled at our MRT. I still enjoy wondering how the MRT works, and how nice and long it is and the planning it takes to build the whole damn thing and well its not as fast as mag-lev trains or the TGV trains and such, but its still a train, not just an old steam-eater...

Well thats just ONE example of many..

will YOU be my escape?
5:24:00 pm

well, I was just reading an article on Yahoo! News and read about why T.T Durai got the pay he got. Then I read the following line:

"These included the level of donations the NKF was able to secure, as well as Mr Durai's "extensive and concerted efforts" in educating the public on kidney donations - especially from the local Muslim community - and in setting up an "outstanding nationwide dialysis programme" that won the charity local and international recognition. "

Now I feel us Muslims have been cheated further. Haha. Well I have given up donating to them, maybe I might start again. Hmph.

will YOU be my escape?
5:21:00 pm

well today finished early and went out with julien, fard, anwen and joseph... went to PS to walk around and eat. I must admit, shamefully, I have yet to get used to walking around shopping centres and not get tired. And I'm supposed to be able to run or walk any distance. Even the laziest girls who cant stand the sun and hate exercising more, have more stamina than me.. Haha.

Then, went to TM to collect the mug for Ms Sabrina. It has 14 names on it. That's EVERYONE in the class; if you know what I mean.

And tomorrow is National Day. I just remembered some random thought that made me mad. I estimate that 70% of most people who go and watch the NDP show or not go and who sing the songs and everything, aren't really patriotic and are mostly those who take Singapore from granted...

Sorry for bragging, but I'M patriotic. I shall not bother explaining how so.

Well thats done and away.. Time to go to the bank and do stuff.. BYe

will YOU be my escape?
4:41:00 pm

Monday, August 07, 2006
well had aap prac test just now which was lame... I definitely got Coronary Artery wrong cause i didnt specify left or right, and I put producing oocytes (eggs) for the ovaries function. will they deduct marks? I'm not sure. well thats 2 marks gone. everything else should be fine...

and I played soccer just now. my first time with poly ppl.. haha. Played with khai and some of his ME buds i guess.. played like crap.. thats what you get for laughing at other players.. haha.. nemind next time shall play like my usual self.

and i cant wait for friday... no its not NSL prac, but its last OB training for first semester... I hope it will be fun and not too complicated... cause I'm gonna be one of the leaders that day.. hope everything goes well...

will YOU be my escape?
9:20:00 pm

Saturday, August 05, 2006
a piece of advice. Never, ever listen to your mp3 player at night, when you are walking home alone. It reduces your concentration too much. And a coincidence I was chatting with Sally on our way home on the MRT about how dangerous Bedok is. I nearly got cornered by 3 guys, who I can describe as being slightly buff Mats. That's the best I can go.

The fact I'm typing this gives me the following
:Bragging rights, again, of exactly how FAST I can run when needed. Cause I really ran like mad yesterday.

okay... well, It IS Bedok. You get chased or whacked at least once in your life.
Last night, I said to myself, screw fight or flight, choose common sense.

Fight or flight means brave or not. But I was being smart. Hehe.

oh ya, ManU beat Porto last night with 9 men

will YOU be my escape?
6:16:00 pm

Thursday, August 03, 2006
today is officially bad hair day for me...

as such my mood was dampened and wasnt really in the mood to talk too much.. not that I talk alot anyway.....

well tomorrow is OB training... hopefully my cough goes away... then can chiong as usual... I can't wait for last training... not that I want OB to end, but that shall be the "funnest" training session...

and after KAP after training I shall rush home and watch ManU vs Porto! finally after months of no club football action..... Can't wait to see Michael Carrick in action, and hopefull I get to see Giuseppe Rossi play... Rarely get to see him man...

And I miss playing soccer... No one in NP plays soccer... not anyone I know anyway... How to develop like this... haiya... can't wait to play with rahman and haziq and maybe khai again....

will YOU be my escape?
8:19:00 pm

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
well today had our nurses day celebration.. I thought wearing uniforms was the whole school's idea, but turns out only P02 wore our unis... bleaghh...
got a goodie bag filled with cool stuff.. Got a diagnostic torch for our attachments, a hand-sanitizer, or 'lubricant', some facial repair thing, lays chips, pepsi max, and a stupid 5% discount voucher at Co-Op...

anyway, had HS idol, and Kadir won.. Good sutff... the whole show wasnt that fun still and only he sang ok and had lots of supporters.. haha.... I spent the whole time getting free entertainment from Yan and Paula in front of me, dancing and screaming like mad... Haha.. fun stuff... I must make it a point to sit behind them at these kind of events everytime... And joseph kept commenting on how Ker Rena looked hot and whatever in her cheongsam? costume... pffft

will YOU be my escape?
9:03:00 pm

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ok thats my official way of saying I'm happy... Cause I've completed ALLLLL my projects and MIC pract test is done and gone... AAP pop-quiz which really isnt a big deal is over.. i got 19/20 btw.. hahaha..

All I know is the FON presentation when very well, PAS should be good, CNP... hmm. not tooo sure... I kinda had a messed-up roleplay... Again I stress I stink at acting...

MIC prac is stupid as I have mentioned...

And tomorrow we're celebrating Nurses' Day, one day late.. woohoo.. Get to wear my uniform....
Excellent stuff...

If I ever say any sexist remarks, meaning, to girls, duh, its only because you prove me right on stuff that you have been stereotyped against....

will YOU be my escape?
8:57:00 pm

wow... I can't believe I actually sat in library for 4 hours planning one OB training session...

well we decided to do away with PT, meaning the standard crunches, push-ups and jumpin jacks, and replaced them with a WHOLE game... picture this:

Wheelbarrow race.. pairs switch over... then a sprint shuttle run, then finally all do duckwalk as a BIG group... hehe.. excellent stuff.. .

then we'll do the stair sprint which we havent done for quite a while..

and we shall 'end' campus run with a set of.............. BLOOD BROTHERS!!!!!!! wahaaaaaa!!!

and of course finally we all go to.. somewhere special... its a secret and something not done yet for this year....


Carrick is Man United's new number 16!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats a freakin big responsibility there...

will YOU be my escape?
8:35:00 pm

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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February 2009