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Saturday, September 30, 2006
I caught this syarahan the other day and being the month of Ramadhan, the topic was on the various stuff related to fasting.

The topic this time, is something I have strong opinions with and share the views of the ustaz
He mentioned that many Muslims, in Singapore, and mostly the teenagers, dont know the TRUE meaning of fasting and how they dont know what fasting is all aobut.

For example, most kids think that fasting, typically, is just about starving yourself from dawn to dusk, and for a step further, they think you have to fast to remember the poor, starving people, and its also the month where you pay zakat (sort of tax), which is given to poor people and to basically just do good. Now all the views are correct.

However, most people here limit their views of Ramadhan to just the list above. As such they change thier lifestyles just ABIT to suit the views.

But, BUT, many other things remain unchanged. Girls who calim they fast but dont make even half an attempt to cover themselves up, young, unmarried, boys and girls holding hands and being all lovey-dovey in public and this is clearly a sin. These are just a few among many other things that are done wrong among young Muslims here in Singapore...
A sad thing it is..

will YOU be my escape?
12:50:00 pm

you know what, pain is good for you. No, I'm being sadistic here. Imagine you had a major, major accident, like being trampled by a gazillion elephants or more realistically you were hit by a car or two head on. You're supposed to be in pain! You have torn skin, open wounds, broken bones! But you're not feeling pain? Or if you're given tons of painkillers and don't feeel pain. Then, thats a sign you could just die any moment. Pain means you're aware of yourself. You can tell how long you think you'll need to recover.
So, people, when in major pain after an accident, try not to get hooked on painkillers. Please. Of course, if you're having a painless accident, I'd see you at your burial soon..

will YOU be my escape?
12:45:00 pm

Monday, September 25, 2006
urgghh.. Just realized my welcome says McMillan A4 and the drawing shows a lovely A5 stock. Well. Most of you wouldnt know the diff anyway, but I really want an A4.. haha. very 'fierce' looking.. Anyway, to let you see the top picture is the A4 while the bottom is the A5. Not much technical difference and although the A5 looks alot smoother, the A4 IS, like I said, more 'fierce' looking. And check out the spacers on this things. Spacer is the thing on the butt, right at the end of the rifle, behind the lovely object with the two circle objects aka cheekpiece.

ANDDDD, I just checked my wallet, and to my supreme horror, I have only $19.65 exactly for the next 3 weeks of holiday. Not that food is important, but I wanted to buy 2 new games to play with; I could easily find 35c in the house but that would leave me with nothing. Well, guess I'll have to buy ONE game and pray the attachment money comes fast. Otherwise I'll be missing out on vital pool sessions with the gang. And I need a few games now. After playing with the likes of Anand and Eric last week, I want to play with my best buds. Those guys were too good. And I hate big tables cause I'm so tiny. WEllll, now I've gotta go teach my bro. Hmmph.

will YOU be my escape?
4:25:00 pm

well today is second day of puasa, and I must say, it doesnt feel like fasting.. I have no idea why.. Its as if the 'right' atmosphere isnt here.. well

Yesterday, went to Mamu Ali's house to buka puasa. Didnt really eat. Ate some papayas, Mami Jamaliah's trademark mee goreng, nasi *insert cool name here* with assorted lauk. Thats all.

Today's sahur was better.. 1/2 litre of Nutrisoy with 3 pieces of prata and 1/2 a can of tuna.. weeeee.. ultimate protein busting...... =)=)=)

will YOU be my escape?
11:53:00 am

Saturday, September 23, 2006
after 4 weeks, attachments are finally over. The boring thing is, I don't really feel happy, neither am I feeling sad. Well.

Met up with people at esplanade yesterday and basically just lepak, went to eat at BK, played abit if pool, well one game for me, and then played some arcade games. Was too tired to do anything else really.

Now, puasa starts tmr, and, as usual, I am not set for it yet. Not that I cant stand fasting, It just comes so fast. I'll probably get thru this year clean as a whistle, not that whistles are clean, but thats not the point anyway. This year my plan will be super-tiring workouts + loads and loads of soccer and/or running everyday keeping in mind I can't take in ANY water. That should be fun.
My Timetable for the next 3 weeks:

4am - Wakeup, Stretch, Some workout
4.30am - 7am - Stuff myself right up to 10mins before Subuh then lepak.
7am-10am - Run
10am-1pm - Bathe, Play PS2
1pm - 4pm - After pray, sleep
4pm - 7pm - Workout, Bathe, Listen to radio
Arnd 7pm - Break Fast!!
After 7pm - Stuff
9.30pm - Workout abit just before sleep.

I'll have to fit in soccer on fridays or wednesdays when people like Haziq are free I think.

will YOU be my escape?
9:16:00 am

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
ever heard the phrase 'life is unfair'?
utter rubbish.. Life is more fair than anyone thinks or knows..

Why do people say life is unfair? Cause something bad happens to them and it doesnt happen to someone else they know. i.e You are declared bankrupt and your friend isn't. Sure, if all you ever notice is bad luck, the world seems supremely unfair. But think it over, how many of you have noticed a good thing happen to you and go the world is fair? Not many people, unfortunately. Most people take life for granted and keeps themselves busy by musing over thier bad luck and never notice that there are mosr people suffering than them.

When one bad thing happens to you, one good thing will happen to you, either before or after the bad thing.
Think it over ya?

will YOU be my escape?
5:36:00 pm

Your Power Color Is Lime Green

At Your Highest:

You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary.

At Your Lowest:

You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in.

In Love:

You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated.

How You're Attractive:

Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room.

Your Eternal Question:

"What else do I need in my life?"
What's Your Power Color?

will YOU be my escape?
5:35:00 pm

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Rifle Review:
Name: Accuracy International AS50
Calibre: 12.7 X 99mm (.50 BMG)
Operation: Gas, Semi-Auto
Weight: 14.9Kg
Barrel Length: 692mm
Total Length: 1369mm
Feed: 5 rounds box magazine

This is the latest product from the well-renowned British firearm company, Accuracy International and was first introduced in 2005. Overall, I would say this is an excellent rifle, both for anti-materiel and soft-target purposes. Its 12.7mm round packs a huge punch. And this rifle is just 30cm shorter than me. Thats how gigantic it is. And having a great muzzle brake (that fat thing at the front of the rifle), and having a free-floating barrel increases accuracy. If it wasnt for the purpose of extending the range of fighting, I wouldnt recommend this rifle to snipers. ITs semi-auto action compromises some accuracy, and snipers all know, no compromise. One Shot, One Kill.. Well I give this rifle an 8/10 anyway.

will YOU be my escape?
11:32:00 am

Monday, September 18, 2006
when your down and out, you can always rely on a good game of soccer to cheer you up.


that was the most pathetic ManUtd performance I ever saw

well. now I'm feeling lousier than I've ever been...

Stress from attachments maybe? Heh. Hell no. CA's been too much of a blast to make me stressed.
But I'm definitely emotionally-drained in a way. Wonder why........................

will YOU be my escape?
1:09:00 am

Sunday, September 17, 2006
1. Person you saw: mom
2. Talked to on the phone: noone
3. Hugged: nobody?
4. messaged over friendster: I dont msg over friendster

1. wearing&brand: my dads spec ops shirt.. brand? some canadian brand called rayverton..haha

2. better than yesterday?: nope

1. Is: Monday. Afternoon shift at CGH.... =)

2. Got any plans: morn - eat, work out as usual then afternoon go work

1. Number: 8, 14
2. Color: green, red, white
3. Season: rainy

1. Missing someone: mayybe
2. Mood: not too good.. feelin down. hope the arsenal-manu game will brighten me up
3. Wanting: uhhhhhh...

Q: First thing you did this morning?:
A: pray?

Q: Last thing you ate:
A: spaghetti

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?:
A: exam results... new timetable.. passing CA (not continual assessment).. lots of stuff really

Q: What's annoying you right now?:
A: lots..

Q: What's the last movie you saw?:
A: stealth.. on HBO

Q: Do you believe in long distance relationships?:
A: temporarily yes

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now:
A: duh

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: downstairs..

Q: Who is the last person you called?:
A: ...forgot

Q: Been cheated on?:
A: nah.....

Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?:
A: look identical to my mom, except I'm as dark as dad

Q: Do you have any siblings?:
A: 3 younger ones

Q: Do you smile often?:
A: I smile when I'm happy, I smile, when people insult me, smile when people annoy me.. I think I smile TOO much

Q: Do you think that a person is thinking of you
A: to say no would make me sound pitiful, to say yes might mean I'm a little desperate.. haha

Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity):
A: Health... :P

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: sinful.. no way.. only pray to Allah s.w.t

Q: Are you a friendly person?:
A: of course.... like the smiling thing, i tend to be a lil to friendly at times.. lolz..

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?:
A: mine..

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?:
A: police BLUE!!

Q: What were you doing at 4am last night?:
A: sleepin

Q: When is the last time you saw your mom?:
A: 1hr ago

Q: Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?
A: right now... more girls.. can't help it lah..

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: uhhh.... long2 time ago...

Q: Do you get angry easily?
A: ID is controlled by ego. My anger has to face the ego constantly...

Q: What was your last thought before you went to
sleep last night?
A: entah... i forgot

Q: What are you about to do?
A: go watch game

Q: What song are you listening to right now?
A: butterflies n hurricanes - muse

Q: Would you rather be single or in a relationship?
A: until I have experienced not being single would I know..

Q: Do you ever check your phone waiting for
someone to call?
A: for msgs, yes.. calls, nvr thought about it

will YOU be my escape?
10:41:00 pm


will YOU be my escape?
10:39:00 pm

Friday, September 15, 2006

last missed call- ami (mom)
last received call- home
last call made- dad
last text received- dad

what channel is the tv on- hbo signature
whats on the computer desk- monitor, plant, phone, speakers, printer
what is your background- M16 Xray img.. yeah!!

type of pizza- with lots of sauce, cheese and mushrooms, the classic kind, no meat
letter of the Alphabet- H.... =)

sunrise or sunset- sunrise... morning person.. although snset would be more romantic..
spring or fall - fall... leaves provide alot of camoflage to poach people.. hehe
Baseball or basketball- baseball...
skiing or snowboarding- snowboarding
real world or Laguna beach- The OC
forks or spoons- spoons
fruits or veggies- fruits.
beach or mountains- mountain... I have done 4.. hehe.. highest was some moutain in Scotland.. forgot the height and name though.. more than 2500m i think..

whats the time- 1037
whats the date- Sept 15
whats the day- Friday
light or dark out- dark
do you own a washing machine- got lah.. i consider it mine cause i carried the damn thing up to my house..
do you own more than 5 tv sets- nak mampus?
do you own a toaster- ya.... I chose it
do you own a house with 2 floors- no lah.... miskin lah..

cat- julien hates them.... hahah
jump- commit suicide.. haha
bed- please bring up your cotside
food- protein and cholestrol

what are you wearing?
- HS camp shirt
whats your favorite color(s)?-
- orange, green, red
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- ...no...

oh ya, did I mention I TOTALLY blew my exams?

will YOU be my escape?
10:40:00 am

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
its 11.38 3 more hours till the game starts.. and i cant sleep, but i'm sleep... oh well..

haha.. doing the weirdest thing ever.. i think Fee posted this too.. I'm chatting with a (former) patient.. haha... well... he gave me a nickname - chameau... which means, camel. haha...

will YOU be my escape?
11:37:00 pm

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
for some unknown weird puzzling merapek reason, I've been sleeping only 4-5 hours and seem to be always refreshed somehow.. ehh.. maybe cause I have generated enuf rest frm my usual sleeping patterns.. well..

and I'm starting to get obsessed with sniper rifles.. no no, I'm not like you counterstrike fools who go around saying Arctic! Arctic! and dont know whatevr the hell you're talking about.. well..
If only it were legal to own a rifle in singapore and keep it at home..
I'd go straight and get myself a custom-rifle, preferably stuff from Tac-Ops.. here's a description of what my likely rifle will be like: A Mcmillan Aluminium stock. A Tac-Ops 24" Barrel. Remington 700BDL action. Threaded barrel. in 8.6mm if possible, but 7mm or 7.62mm will do.. And twists and bolt aside, I want it to be a super duper camo colour can? it'll probably cost $1500 and abve.. ahhhhh...

I'd also like to have pistols and semi-auto rifles.. Preferably a Five-seveN for pistol and a Sig 556???!!!


well I shall go visit my little green friends under the bed and play with them.. (=

will YOU be my escape?
11:18:00 pm

Monday, September 11, 2006
okay i just made a complete fool of myself. I was checking my bro's maths work.. its p6 stuff btw..
its triangles and crap... and I did pythagoras theorem!!! when I could have done 8-5=3..... damn I feel dumb rite now..

will YOU be my escape?
6:22:00 pm

wow today was a doubly bad, okay not that bad, day... BOTH our CF and Sister were having mood swings.. but Its kinda rubbing off me.. don;t really mind it that much anymore..

what made our day was this 20-something yr old ITE nurse who, as we ( jo, me, fard, julien ) were 'playing', made a comment on whether this was how Ngee Ann nurses behave... Joseph started rambling off with her until she couldnt find anything to say and just made a bored face.. I wanted to add some stuff, but jo was on a roll and I was busy trying to put up a straight face, so i left him to it. He could have won an Emmy Award for all I care with his sharp replies...

Girls, that shows you can NEVER be 100% sure of winning an argument with a guy. (=

will YOU be my escape?
4:06:00 pm

Sunday, September 10, 2006
some other stuff stolen from xingwen's blog


Name someone with the same birthday as you: harry shearer... a simpsons voice..

Last thing you ate: lauk lemak kubis with tempe goreng, paru goreng, ikan kering..

For or against same sex marriage: against... all you gay men esp, tie your legs 2gether and stand beside a high bridge.. =)

I say Shotgun! You say: TacOps Echo-51

Do you believe in God: the Almighty Allah s.w.t.

Name something you like physically about yourself: :P my body shape.. haha

Something non-physical you like about yourself: ultra patience.. patience to the max..

What is your dad's name: Mohd Rafi

Who made you angry today? nothing

Favorite type of Food: anything with tons of protein and essential vitamins and fibre n calcium

Do you download music: sometimes

Would you date the person who posted this? hell no...

Has anyone ever sang or played a song for you personally: never

Do you love anyone?: uhhhhh

Do you like Bush?: no... get him, Osama and the Israelis on an island and I shall blow them all apart

Have you ever bungee jumped: yes.. loved it

How much money ya got?: i have 80 bucks at home... thats all..

Have you met a real redneck: - never

How is the weather right now: stormy

What band are you listening to right now: muse

What is your current fav song?: get over it- eagles

Do you wear contacts: not yet

Where was the last place you went besides yourhouse? nani's house..

What are you afraid of?: judgement day

How many piercings and tattoo's do you have?: O.. .can bet you itll be that way a 100 yrs frm now too

How many pets do you have: used to have 3 rabbits n 4 hamsters.. all died sadly

Have you ever loved someone: ever loved? not yet..

What turns you on? a personality totally opposite of mine...

What do you usually order from Starbucks: i dont do starbucks... say no to mainstream! wahaha.. just kidding.. just nvr been there

Have you ever fired a gun: yep... lots.. a SIG P226. H&K USP. MP5-A3. Black Arrow. M16S1. SAR21. Taurus revolver.. you better believe it.

What really bugs you? people who swear too much...

Fave TV show?: whos line

Do you have an mp3?: yes.. Zen NEeon

Do you find yourself loved?: I havent noticed

Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?: yes... nothing major though

Butter, plain, or salted popcorn: butter

Do you like MTV: no MTV for me!!!!!! anti-MTV guy here!

Do you like Michael Jackson? used to.. but still love his songs

Whats your favorite scent? Snow Musk

Favorite cereal: Banana nut crunch or cornflakes w/ bananas

Do you drive: I can and do (only in malaysia).. but its still illegal.. damn...

What's the longest time you've gone without sleep? 3 and a half days.. twice.. incidentally ,one for each time one grandma passed away... once in 2001 once this yr

Where is the weirdest place you have slept?: at the pick-up point at my house

will YOU be my escape?
4:39:00 pm

arghh... only a few more days till exam results are out... I'm feeling kinda nervous.. My parents think I should be getting distinctions for everything.. I had to give them the 'poly, especially nursing, isnt that easy' explanation.. Well, on that note, I do hope I get at least one AD, and 1 more A and everything else to be at least C+

I hate poly grading system.. C+ would be a B3 already.. pfft.. well..

And tmr is case study presentation... Chester (big) told me they didnt have to do it! And our CF says its compulsory! liar.. bloody hell.. and here I was panicking, okay not panic, but just worrying about how it would affect my grades.. ahhhhhhhhhh..

will YOU be my escape?
3:55:00 pm


'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com

okay, got this link off Raudah's blog..

I think its absolutely stupid.. =)

will YOU be my escape?
2:42:00 pm

Friday, September 08, 2006
2 weeks down. 2 to go. I feel like time has flew past so fast. Well today we had quite a few discharges in the ward. All our 'fav' patients going home. I shan't mention names so I'll just say, Bed 26 went off yesterday. Today was bed 20, 22 and 24. And tmr is 25. All the patients are in my team. Well, we decided to do our case-study on Bed24 since his was the most interesting diagnosis or so it seems. So today I got to serve him his final meal and bathed him his final bath there and attended to him the whole day. I even interviewed him for the hospital stay evaluation part. Haha. He wanted to name Warren and me in the part where certain staff were to be highlighted for their good job done along with 2-3 other staff. Was about to write my own name (chey), when Julien came in and observed me and Fee came in a while later. Haha.

So, seeing them, instead of putting my name along with Warren's, I just put Ngee Ann Student nurses. (=

I was kinda pissed also today cause someone ventured into Team 2's area, entered my cubicle and staked a claim to MY patient in Bed 24. Never mind if you don't know what that means, but it just made me so mad.

And I feel I need to clarify that we have a big suck-up in our CA Group 06-02. I shall leave you to find out who.

will YOU be my escape?
6:04:00 pm

Thursday, September 07, 2006
was just reading about the article on Australia wanting to plead clemency for its citizens who were convicted off drug smuggling or something and were sentenced to death and the Aussie lawyers or whoever are protesting why the bali-bombmakers were jailed 18yrs but the aussies to death.

I for one, agree with the indonesian govt or whoever... Drugs destroy people's lives and disrupt living to the max, whereas bombs are just, well, bombs. They don't encourage social deviation or anything. Not that I'm saying bombing is good obviously. I despise those, especially Muslims, who go around blowing ppl up. But drugs are another thing. Never mind Osama, Drug dealers are the biggest terrorists. They make people suffer while making money. Not that I'm saying drug users are totally innocent; they themselves are guilty of thier own crimes. Well.. That's the world, politics and society for you.

will YOU be my escape?
8:19:00 pm

brr, wanna change my layout eh.. to something more convenient to use.. But got no nice skins with mosques or other Islamic stuff... and I, being the twit I am, do not know how to make my own layout.. well...... ahh heck it, I'll just change the whole thing

A random prediction.
At the rate I'm working my ass off at attachment, I predict I will last as a Staff Nurse in a hospital for say, 20 years? could be worse...

will YOU be my escape?
6:19:00 pm

well today was a crappy day at work, in every sense of the word 'crappy'..

Evryone was being sarcastic and happy at the same time and Sister was having PMS maybe, though at her age, I'd still maintain my view that its an excuse. Scolded everyone at least twice. She scolded me for swapping teams, when I didn't. That was because she confused me with Zee.. sheesh..Can't she tell the obvious differences?
I would have been scolded again later on, cause my huge sponging trolley was in the middle of the room, but I spotted her coming and immediately pushed it aside in a panic. Hehe.Anyhoo, luckily, she got better as the day got by, and she randomly popped into my cubicle to check (or intrude) on me. And for unknown reasons she gave me a 'Good Job'. Weird.

Then, as for another side of crappy, today I had to attend to 6 or 7 guys who wanted to take a dump. Most of them went multiple times. One guy's diapers had to be changed 3 times in 15 minutes cause he 'shat' in his diapers, did it another time in the loo, and pee'd on the fresh diapers I put on him while on the bed. All in 15 minutes, mind you. Thank heavens I had my big trolley with me to get rid of all that rubbish..

And guess what I did after dealing with crap the whole day. Eat cake, chocolate cake. I sweared and cursed sliently at the cake. On that note, the cake was for Stef. Today's her birthday.
The first thing she did with her cake was to spill it all over her lovely white working dress. Way to go. I dug in my pockets and offered her my alcohol swabs. =P Then I told her to wear a plastic apron that I had just in case. True enough, she spilt more cake, albeit on the apron. Thus, we ate cake.

And after that, Joseph kept teasing me to give some cake to Wang Li. Thats a China staff nurse we have in the ward since her birthday is on the 9th and apparently I like her. Sheesh. I only said she was the hottest nurse in our ward. Hehe.

Well. CRAPPY day ends. Tmr will be "Rush-To-Complete-'Unnecessary'-Case-Study-Day". Hoorah.

will YOU be my escape?
4:14:00 pm

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
That you've created
You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

You will be the death of me
Yeah, you will be the death of me

Bury it, I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out

I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted
Now that you know I'm trapped
Sense of elation
You'd never dream of
Breaking this fixation

You will squeeze the life out of me

Bury it, I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out

How did it come to this
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah Yeahhhhh

Yeah you, will suck the life out of me

Bury it, I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it

Our time is running out
Our time is running out
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ooohhh yeah yeah yeah Yeahhhhh

will YOU be my escape?
7:28:00 am

RIP Steve Irwin. My 2nd favourite wild animal show host. =P

will YOU be my escape?
7:27:00 am

Monday, September 04, 2006
Right after my attachments is puasa already. And seeing that I have no time to work out heavily during attachments, I'll just do it during fasting. Bet you didnt know fasting actually gives you MORE energy? Yes. I shall do my daily 5-8km runs and top it of with my sprinting sessions at Bedok Stadium. My relatively new asics are getting a hell of a beating from me already. Haha.
I can't wait till I get back to my old 210sec/Km days. *sigh*

I seriously need to plan my runs properly. Someone like me can't run to slow. I get irritated if I don't finish a run fast enough. Yet if I run too fast, my heart practically screams in pain. Yes, my heart, not my legs. I have a weak heart. It doesnt grow in tandem with my lungs. Kinda affects my venous return. pffft.

will YOU be my escape?
8:22:00 am

Saturday, September 02, 2006
well I'm proud to say my appetite has improved 2-3-4 times? more.

My breakfasts this past few days have been crazy.
Yesterday I ate, 2 sevings of oats, 3 servings of bread with 4 pieces of cheese n a mug of milo.
Today I ate, a whole roll of garlic n herb bread, 1/2 can of baked beans, 3 boiled eggs, and Nutrisoy!
haha... I'm gonna kill someone if I dont gain at least 5kg soon...

And I already planned my shopping list for use after I get my attachment pay.
my list: ManU's away jersey which is absolutely beeeyoutiful

yes thats my list.. Pathetic, I know. What can I say, I'm your average act-tough guy who can't stand shopping. Haha.

Oh yeah,
beware my smile if you say something rude or mock me. Its worse than being beat up. Cause I won't give you the satisfaction of making me mad. Never mind if you don't get it.
However, that point aside, my bro did get a good smacking just now. Gave him one in the solar plexus. Haha. Andy McNab style eh. I'll leave you to figure out why. Not that I'd expect you to actually figure it out, but that's not the point.
Okay, I should stop. I'm starting to 'talk' like Joseph.. =P

will YOU be my escape?
2:51:00 pm

Friday, September 01, 2006
ahhh. afternoon shift was a blast... I love this kinda routine stuff.. Getting used to it.. Makes me love being a nurse, albeit a student, more than I already do.... And I love chatting with the makcik in bed 1, so cute.. wahah.. and not to mention Mr Ghan issit? He's hilarious... Fun knowing everyone in the ward... Well, time to bathe and rush off to work..

will YOU be my escape?
11:43:00 am

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
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August 2006
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October 2006
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