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Thursday, November 30, 2006
term break is here

my common test went fine, judging by the amt I studied. wanna know how I studied for each paper n how the days went?

Previous day: play
Test day:
Go 2 canteen one. Buy breakfast ( nutrisoy/tea + toasted bread )
Open lecture notes.
SKIM for 5 minutes
Focus on ONE OR TWO "important" slides
Friends come. open their books. For 10 mins?
Start chatting.
Go 4 paper.
I do the paper for 10 to 20 minutes. (there were only 4 papers)
I draw. I erase. I draw again.
Stop writing.

I repeat. Tests went fine. My definition of fine, as justified by various test results, have shown I will do badly. Hooray

Its only thursday. The only thing to look forward today is Prison Break. BUt I'm already on 2nd season so I guess I'm watching a rerun eh? Whatever.

Thank goodness holidays are only 2 weeks + 2 weeks CA. I'll die if the break was longer, but seeing that I survived the recent 3 week break, I may yet live. *burp*

Tmr is gonna be fun at least. OB training is now overnight training! I get to lug my new backpack everywhere........ well, at least to wherever it is we're going.. =)

will YOU be my escape?
12:40:00 pm

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Something's wrong.

I didnt screw up my practical today.

Not ONE bit.

Mitten in right. Not too convinced abt the securing though
Preparations for NG feeding spot on.
The feeding itself was perfect.
And for GOD's sake, I remembered to say I was gonna do hand-hygiene

.:: sits on floor and searches for an answer ::.

Nah, still sitting on this chair.
I still dont wanna believe the test was that easy.

Oh well.
Lookin' forward to tmr. Last paper. CMBio.
Followed by unknown-amt-of-time- of soccer with the nursing guys.
Then the one thing I'm not quite ready for yet.
OB Sunlove Camp meeting.

I still havent done the layout and other details of the performance night at the Sports Deck. Man. I seriously need to stop procrastinating. It doesnt affect my schoolwork or studying but it sure as hell does for camp planning. Gotta work hard if I'm gonna be selected to be in OB 14th Com. =)

will YOU be my escape?
8:15:00 pm

Monday, November 27, 2006
cheerio all..
I'm feeling happy today cause tests were a breezeee...
In light of that, I have decided to list all of my HSN friends here.
Note: I have no idea how my happiness has to do with listing friends but I'm weird enuf already so its relatively normal actually. -_-

And also the acquaintances and the in-betweens, who I hope will be upgraded to status of friend soon and to do that, I shall have to chat more often.

Ok, here we go.
It shall be according to class until I don't know who is in what class and all.


I'm gonna gay it off str8 away
  1. Joseph
  2. Faridah
  3. Julien
  4. Elliott
  5. Anwen
  6. Eugenie
  7. Jolene
  8. Stefanie
  9. Fyza
  10. Zuli
  11. Nisa
  12. Jojo
  13. LayHwee
  14. Chester (small-er)
  15. Paula
  16. Mahathir
  17. Yazid
  18. Arif
  19. Zira
  20. Eunice
  21. Maz
  22. Hawa
  23. Adeline
  24. Eric
  25. Wan Ting
  26. Warren
  27. Faezah
  28. YAn
  29. Yasmin
  30. Rachel
  31. Fee
  32. Rudy
  33. Joel

Oh man, that list looks pathetic... Now I'm in no mood to list the not-quite-friends-yet. gosh.

will YOU be my escape?
7:03:00 pm

Thursday, November 23, 2006
these things are addictive man.

Your Attitude is Better than 60% of the Population
You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.
How's" Your Attitude?

Your Dominant Intelligence is Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together.Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand - eye coordination.There's also a good chance you're a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language.You learn best by doing, and you feel like you've always got to be moving (even if it's just your hands).
You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan.
http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofintelligencedoyouhavequiz/">What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

You Belong in the UK
Blimey!A little proper, a little saucy.You're so witty and charming...No one notices your curry breath
http://www.blogthings.com/whatenglishspeakingcountryareyouquiz/">What English Speaking Country Are You?

You Are A Good Friend
You're always willing to listenOr lend a shoulder to cry onYou're there through thick and thinMany people consider you their "best friend"!
http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindoffriendareyouquiz/">What Kind of Friend Are You?

Your German Name is:
Hugo Dietmar
What's" Your German Name?

You Are 74% Grown Up, 26% Kid
Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.
http://www.blogthings.com/howemotionallymatureareyouquiz/">How Emotionally Mature Are You?

will YOU be my escape?
9:34:00 pm

yahoo! I finally got my jersey.... for $115, I got my name and a number on..

No prizes 4 guessing what number i printed lah.... And the best part of it all was I almost couldnt buy it, again.

so, I took 7 to tanglin rd rite? Then, I couldnt find the ManU store. I saw some place called orchard park hotel, i think. I saw the red cafe, I saw the Devil's bar, I saw two ManU logos but in the place where I would see the store, there was a lame jewellery store. So I asked the valet, concierge or whatevr the guy's job was at the hotel. He looked at me like I was an idiot. Despite me carrying my Deuter bag, which is arnd 25L, he knew I wasnt a tourist.

So he gave me a "you're an idiot answer" --> Its closed down already.
- _ -'

So, i walked towards orchard, went to Al-Falah to pray Zuhur, and on a whim, I decided to go to Penin to go scout for the ever sneaky ManU jersey. And so I bought the white one, name and all.. excellent stuff... can't wait to wear it. =)=)

oh yeaaaahhh, I'm gonna buy a new camping bag! Preferably a 50+10 Litre, GREEN, Deuter front-loading bag... *oooooh*

will YOU be my escape?
8:51:00 pm

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
urgghh.. my morale is at an all time low.

1. For the second time, I have failed to successfully complete a procedure that Michael has done on me. The first being the airway n suctioning. 2nd being today, the NG tube. I had a nose-cum-mouth-cum-throat bleed. Swallowed at least 2 mouthfulls of blood. bleaggh. Salttyyyy..
2. My knee is still under 'busted' or 'damaged' status and I'm not supposed to go more than 10km/h? on it. That means I face the possibility of 2 weeks of no exercise. And I wont be able to do OB trg. =( Pure rubbish.
3. hmmmmm.. what ah?

anyhoos, today I entertained myself in CITS by mirror-writing. I wrote down as many friends I could recall and wrote down something about them.
And I still shiver whenever I here my product slogan " RAzzle Dazzle" eeeeeeww. gross. crap.. arggghh. *bbbrrrrrrr*

will YOU be my escape?
9:26:00 pm

Monday, November 20, 2006
Here I am, sitting at home, with my mug of hot cocoa;
I'm sitting alone while everyone's asleep,
the single light on; my window open to let the wonderful breeze in.
Feels just right to do a project eh?

YEAH RIGHT!! Dream on man!

I'm drinking milo, and there is no such thing as a breeze at this time of the night at my home! I'm in the least condusive place to do anything. Dang it! I'm on the 22nd storey! Helllo? Baahhrh!

Okay, I have no idea why the heck I'm complaining, I'll just go get the fan now. *pfft*

Well, NR presentation down, dunno how many more to go. Currently working on completing my SAWI. I still cant decide which article to do on so I shall do both and see which is better.

The criteria for judging which?

Whichever has me complaining and criticizing Singaporeans or some other affiliated people more.

Well today was dumb. SNW was stoopid since we didnt get to do anything due to rain. Only warm up. And then we did some uber simple fitness training. C'mon. 1 min of step-ups on stairs, 44 crunches? What's that?

An insult, thats what it is.

Anyhoo, the whole remainder of the day, from 4 till 830, was spent with Mahathir at the library.. Becoming a habit now, going to the library and just fooling with the com. We had a jolly good time, laughing at hilarious soccer clips on youtube, and discussing various military stuff.. Was good fun.
Great day.

Okay, this part of the entry is getting gay, so I shall end................ NOW!

Mirza, RAUS! bye bye

dude that goodbye was gay! =/

will YOU be my escape?
10:10:00 pm

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Back from trg as usual... had great fun, but it got spoiled when I sprained my knee... I would say it hurts, but its worse, I cant feel it n I can't bend it too much...
Thanks, Bernard, for massaging my knee and ice-ing it.... felt great... but I'll have to let my mum do the rest tmr...

man, tmr is gonna be a busy day... cant sleep for too long afta this.. hafta go meet up with Dong Yang and Winifred to discuss the programme for our upcoming Sunlove Camp.. shud be fun stuff that... though I'll probably have to miss attachments for a few days... and the last day of the camp is on my... hmmm, what do you call that day? When you were born?

Ahhh, right! Birthday. thats the word.. Wonderful... Absolutely 'Wonderful'..

will YOU be my escape?
12:15:00 am

Thursday, November 16, 2006
arghhh.. I wasted a big chunk of my time today..

went to queensway to find my ManU jersey, and they only had the long-sleeved one or the white one. So, I took 14 so I could go to Penin and search there instead. Instead, I fell asleep in the bus and woke up when I reached Bedok. Idiot.

will YOU be my escape?
6:25:00 pm

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
today was a super REFRESHING day.

I had classes from 9-6. No biggy there.

Afta dat, went to meet up with Kelvin and Han Bin to do our recce for next weeks training.
I'm seriously wondering how everyone in OB is gonna handle the run, which is about 7-8 km.. Not that I'm doubting anyone's capability, just that it is a long-winded run.

From NP stadium, to Sunset Ave, turn left and run all the way UPhill to 6th Ave, then down left towards Upp Bukit Timah Rd? And left again ALL the way to KAP and back to school.

And the run was actually enjoyable. I've nvr had too many cases where I wasnt breathless when I ran that kind of distance. But it was a good feeling to have. Feeling exhilarated instead of exhausted.

I even had my Com Interview pushed to today. So, in my WET singlet and shorts, I went into the room to have my session. It was alright. The com guys had lotsa questions for me, and I kinda rambled on and on about various issues. I hope I get to be the Trg-Coordinator. Such a fun thing to be. Not to mention CCA points! *yumm*

oh yah, today had a debate session in SAWI. I still feel kinda stoned cause no one wanted to take on politics with me. Haha, all too scared maybe? But it was probably for the best since my political views tend to be against most other people.

C'mon, I hate free speech. Global participation? Uhh, no? And other stuff which I have plenty to elaborate on but might be a tad too sensitive.

I also mad a fool of myself by giving my own opinions from the floor to support Stef's grp, then the next moment I gave an opinion which supported Fard. Totally contradictory. They were doing education. Oh wells..... I wanna go sleep now.. Its 1049 and I'm dying...

I shall go bury myself in my bed to drown my sorrows..
DUDE.... eeeew that was so emo.
no it wasnt.
yes it was.
SHUt up!

The conflict gng on in an idiots mind.

will YOU be my escape?
10:36:00 pm

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Here I pray to God...

Please! Oh Please grant me this wish!

Show me an...

Idiot mat whom I can make fun of and complain about in my entries!!!

I havent seen mats in a long time. See lah, long time nvr hang at Bedok Central..

will YOU be my escape?
9:45:00 pm

well today was hectic.. Had class from 8 to 2 without break, which was cool since we got to go home early although we WERE supposed to do NR project, but lame, lame, so I ended up going with Joseph to BK at interchange and both got Double Whopper Meals. Standard ah. I can still taste the burger when I burp now.

Ahhh, its still there.

I just finished watching, Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy.

It is UBBBBER Hilarious. I laughed till I got a 6-pack.
ooops, I forgot, I already have one.
Haha, jk jk.
The "Fighting" scenes were the bomb man. Hand grenades and pepper spray.
Huhhhhhh, good stuff


will YOU be my escape?
9:18:00 pm

Monday, November 13, 2006
rainy day..
well it poured like mad today. And I got myself dirty playing soccer. My head and jaw still hurt from various clashes with Mahathir. First, when we were playing the sheilding trg, we bumped heads. Then, in the match, he charged towards me and I collided with him when he stopped. And guess what, I went flying and landed my hands in the nice mud. I assumed he'd be the one flying since he was smaller than me and I was running at almost top speed. But I jumped up abit to kick the ball and spread my wings soon after. Well, at least I DID get to score a goal.
and my class dudes, for once, skipped lecture because they just didnt want to go. And I stoned throughout the whole lecture. Well, was in a bad mood the whole remainder of the day. Because we had FON lecture instead of NR. Dumb stuff, but enuf to make me mad. So I ended up drawing, no big surprise there. And then went off home. And I didnt even turn to wave at Zuli when she said bye to me. ooops. Silly me. Don't know if she noticed. Anyway, you can punch me again tmr ya. Hehe.

will YOU be my escape?
8:35:00 pm

Sunday, November 12, 2006
arghh.. I'm having a headache... two days of sleeping late and waking up late.. I am so not an afternoon 'waker'. I probably have to consult girls on that since they're more pro at sleeping in late..

----- Start NERD post -----

man, Need For Speed: Most Wanted is THE bomb. It is by far one of the greatest racing games I've played. I know someone with my extensive PS2 gaming experience should be ashamed of myself for playing NFS:MW, but who cares? Its great.
Oh yeah, and not to mention Black Hawk Down, Team Sabre. Excellent online play, and I love the gameplay. Atemberaubend!!!

----- End NERD post -----


i.e. Drinking filtered water.

for the love of GODDDD, my oldest aunt,who's 63? has been drinking water ranging from pure crap to the 'chlorinated' filled kind we have now. I dont see her dying from some mysterious brain or digestive disease anytime soon! Hmmmph.
Just open the tap and drink it like a man!
or girl. =P

Sanitation, expiration date, question everything
Or shut up and be a victim of conformity.....

I say, shut up and conform..

will YOU be my escape?
8:16:00 pm

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Hmmm, I wonder whether I should start playing guitar again?

I've not touched a guitar since Sep 05, not counting Stef's. Still, thats more than a year. And that was my own guitar which I have since sold for a price half of what I paid, due to an expensive malfunction. Now I feel like I'm gonna regret that. Damn. Oh well, at least I have that untunable acoustic of mine. Its untunable because the knobs are stupid and its a cheap guitar. =)

And I think I've forgotten all my skills already; there, finally is the reason why I suddenly couldnt play. Hehe. No practise. La la lala. okay, I shall start playing again. And I should add in acoustic songs too, since thats something I've never tried.

will YOU be my escape?
10:00:00 pm

oh man, OB training was fun man yesterday!

We had some kind of orienteering thingy around school. It was tiring but extremely cool. My group finished first ah!

We started at the sports complex, of course. Then on to LT76-79. Then my group had to do the most embarrassing thing by being told by Yew Ming, our leader, to hold hands and run together. It was so gay lah. Even though I was holding a girls hand. Anyhoos, went we reached the LTs, we had to do 2 sets of 20 burpees. No big deal right?

Then we ran back all the way to LT 26, where after tireless running WHILE holding hands, we had to do 30 starjumps. That nearly killed us but at the end we found it quite refreshing. Then we had to go to KISMIS! Had to do 60 push-ups there. Supposedly it was nothing. But for our second set of 20, we started from -10! So at first Ben took the cue and got it down to zero before everyone did one each until we got 20. THEN, for the 3rd set, we started from -50!! I got it down to -20, before Ben continued, the the girls did about 10 each. Damn that was fun. And after that, it was on to LT38. To do Sit-Ups! 70. No big deal. And lastly, on to Blk51, where we did 55 jumping jacks, counts of 8 somemore.. And just to get us going we ran back all the way to grandstand, in first place. Not that there was a competition. Haha

After that, I found out we DIDNT have to hold hands and due to some mistakes in teamwork of something, we had added number of exercises to do. Bloody hell, and we still came back first leh. Good stuff.

After training, was standard dinner at KAP, where I didnt have money to eat, for once. So I just at a MacChicken. Went home with Rachel, and chatted on the MRT until my throat went dry. Haha. Excellent day..

will YOU be my escape?
10:32:00 am

Thursday, November 09, 2006
You Are 44% Cynical
Yes, you are cynical, but more than anything, you're a realist.You see what's screwed up in the world, but you also take time to remember what's right.
http://www.blogthings.com/howcynicalareyouquiz/">How Cynical Are You?

will YOU be my escape?
9:58:00 pm

I'm in trauma now. I had to be suctioned during NSL. I thought it'd be nothin, but it was terrible, because, Mr Michael decided to use an oro-pharnyx airway that was only 1 size shorter than recommended. I gagged like a million times! More of 15-16 anyway, but I thought that line would make it more dramatic. *Burrrp* He did that, of course, to show what happends if you do it with an airway the wrong size... It would cause more harm to the patient instead.

Oh yeah, I was burping everytime I gagged and I was trying hard to coordinate swallowing, breathing, laughing and gagging. Was so much work that I teared. Haha. For Eugenie though, Michael used airway that was TWO sizes shorter, so it wasnt that bad for her. I felt terrible enuf to vomit out my morning Nutrisoy, in the toilet of course.. Bleagh. Now I know why nurses always have to be vigilant and identify problems patients have with comfort and stuff like that. I never wanna be sucked with an airway that long in my throat.

And I found out my CA money is FINALLY in. Was so happy I went to buy 4 new games! Got NFS:MW, Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, Ace Combat Zero, and Splinter Cell: Double Agent!!! I have four games to keep me company now!

will YOU be my escape?
8:46:00 pm

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
bleaghh, just came home and my stomach feels ROTTEN.

I tapau-ed a HUGE pack of rice from SIM today and after eating I went to the tutorial room and started doing handstands. Lots of it. It made me feel great for a while but now I just feel lame.

And I feel stupid right now, cause me, being a person who's suppose to be able to have excellent visualisation of things, took half and hour to comprehend my group's explanation of how to make the thing were doin for CITS project swivel. Damn that was lame, the other 4 guys(girls) were bombarding me from all directions and drawing me many2 rough drawings for me to understand before I was finally able to actually draw it out.. Haha, lame stuff..

And!!!! nothing.. *Burpppppppp*

will YOU be my escape?
8:04:00 pm

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
ahhhh, I relish going home on the MRT when its just Jo, Julien and Me... filled with talk about being horny, and talking horny and being more horny.. God its hilarious... I just have to stand quietly with my NewPaper and laugh at their goofy conversations and at times participate actively without the need to be "automatic".. nvm that... haha.. class thing.. hah.. good stuff man...

I can't wait for Thursday!!

gonna insert an oropharangyeal tube into me and SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

will YOU be my escape?
8:39:00 pm

Monday, November 06, 2006
I just realized something funny about myself. Okay, maybe its not THAT funny.

All of you, well not all, know about my explicit views of gender stereotypes, right?
Well, I find my method or rather my motive for disproving stereotypes abit unorthodox.
Usually, people may be trying to make sure ALL stereotypes are either scientifically justified or not.

As for me, I do the same as the above, only I add a lil bit extra by supporting the stereotypes against girls which are proven and use it, occasionally, against them, when need be. Hehe. Maybe THAT'S why I'm sometimes mistaken for being sexist, or a chauvanist and what not. But how can that be right? I enjoy their company anytime. HOw can I be that bad right. Oh wellllll . Das Leben right?

Lesse, today was an 8-6 day.. Boleh mati sey. NR lecture moved to 8. Then CMBio from 9-11. Then NR tutorial from 11-12. Break from 12-1. Oh yah, my classmates made a big fuss when they saw that I wasnt eating. Yes, a shock isnt it for me not to eat eh? Haha. I blame the turkey roll I had for bfast and the lame Lemon1000 drink. Bleagh.... anyhoos,
Pharmacology lecture from 1-3.
Then had SNW! Soccer. Weehooo.. Finally did something decent today. Did shooting. But it was boring. Only 8 shots in less than 2 minutes. GOD! We should have free training man. I wanna do free kicks!!!! Well thats that.

At 5 I went to OB clubhouse to have the little meeting about our upcoming camp. Details shall not be released, I think. =P WEll thats my monday... Thank god I'm a person who doesnt "get" Monday blues.. haha..

will YOU be my escape?
8:58:00 pm

Sunday, November 05, 2006
sie hat das am schönsten Gesicht
sie hat das am schönsten Auge
schlechthin atemberaubend
sehr aus von mein ummmmmm?

*sigh* pardon my grammer..

will YOU be my escape?
9:19:00 pm

chain-mail and bulletins are utter rubbish... ESPECIALLY, those where someone gets killed and they come and kill you at night if you dont repost...

So I read this cool one okay. this is the warning part

Amber will crawl out from under your bed in your sleep and murder you. The last thing you will see are her rotting eyes and the phone.
the first thing that came to My mind was, how the hell is she gonna crawl out from UNDER my bed? There's a freaking storage drawer underneath~!!!

will YOU be my escape?
8:55:00 pm

I'm feeling happy today....
Firstly, ManU won yesterday, for the umpteenth time!
Second, I didnt go out with my family yesterday, and I still got $40 from relatives... Pretty good considering I was at home doing work (psst, slacking) Excellent

Okay, I cant decide what to do with my Hari Raya money... Saving it in the bank is not in the picture.. =)
I'm trying to choose between:

Caterpillar BLACK Steel-Toe Boots
New pair of soccer boots, prefarably by adidas. =P
Using it as a 'deposit' for a Laptop
Deposit for Playstation 3, or
Buy loads of games!

which one, which one... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. those caterpillars are calling out to me... supremely strong urge... =)=)=)

will YOU be my escape?
8:34:00 pm

Saturday, November 04, 2006
its saturday, and I'm at home alone stoning... isnt that a surprise.. =@

Trg yesterday was alrite... but I kinda twisted my left knee again... Ran arnd clementi area... Was more of sightseeing for me than most of the other OB ppl.. Mostly cause I've never seen Clementi that much, and we were running abit too slow for my liking.. =P

And when we went to eat at Al-Ameen, I mad a BIG mistake by eating nasi goreng kampung.. bleagh.. I forgot about the fact that most Singaporeans can't cook it for nuts.. Shall stick to the by-the-beach restaurant at Penang lah.. When I go there that is.. I felt sick to the stomach when I came home, finally.. DOwned 2 Dicloran tabs to get rid of the pain in the knee abit, and some other crap for my stomach...

arghh, wanna go and play metal gear now.... byeeee..

will YOU be my escape?
1:54:00 pm

Friday, November 03, 2006
In school now..
super boring..
missed prayers today cause I came out late from school...
crap... now in library, with only mahathir here...
Yan and zira went off.. wanting and elai somehwere.. .
paul went off at 1 plus to meet her guy..
just when I wanted to hang around with em.. hahah..
\some other time then... the library is so-not condusive for hanging around =@..
I'm just sitting here watching ellen degeneres, mad tv, little britain, and other stuff on youtube..

okay mahathir, just came to salam me and went off too... Just now he said to me," PAULA ask to change background you change?" hahahah.. I caught his drift, I think ( at least I thought here was one) and immediately changed back to my guards bg.. haha.. lame stuff.

jeez, I still have 2 more hours to go before Outward bounderrrrs training starts..... I hate fridays now... nothing to do.. no one around.. welllll... I should follow what joseph says and go home first.... I wanted to go buy my games today, but here I am.. nemind, next week I shall go and buy the goods.... I'm in desperate need of games!!!!!!!!!

Okay, now, officially, after doing secret investigative work (in other words being kpoh), I finally find what I needed to find or needed to know, rather..... Okay lame..

Ahhhh, getting hungry... shall go get a snack... till next time......

will YOU be my escape?
4:10:00 pm

Thursday, November 02, 2006
oh man today Is an uber blöd day... when to school at 8 for freakin NSL and thats all... God, 2/3 of the 'school' day was spent travelling from home to school and vice versa..

and I'm super sleepy... played comp until 1 then watch abit of TV. slept for 1 hour from 0230 to 0330 and woke up to watch the match, and ManU lost!!!!!!! rührend! rührend! rührend! At least I got to sleep in the EMPTY train... Got a whole carriage to myself, so I lay down on the seats comfortably and dozed off...

ahhh, and the 3 game stores I wanted to see open were ALLLLLLL closed.. Now I cant buy new games to play. THis may sound TOTALLY unlike me, but I really wanna buy NFS:Most Wanted, amongst others... I feel like going back to something else other than FPS games... well..

and now I gtg cause I'm helping Hq7 with his PW work.. he's in TJC btw... genius boy man... but he needs my experience with projects now... A lvl you know.... he's so stressed rite now.. haha

will YOU be my escape?
12:23:00 pm

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Now you know.

I changed my background again cause Paul says its scary.. hehe.. I hope Rooney doesnt scare you though. Thats the big guy in the left laughing at everyone who reads my entries.. Wahahah!

AND!!!!, schöpferisch und neuartig Überlegung ist langweilig. Pffft.. Waste of time

will YOU be my escape?
8:10:00 pm

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
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