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Sunday, December 31, 2006
2007. Hmmm.
Time for people to get drunk and behave stupidly until the countdown ends, then back to complaining about getting up for work, school, this that.

I wonder what significant events await me this year.

Most notably will be me most definitiely registering for my drivers' liscense at the END of the year.
Probably sign my bond.
Hopefully get into Outward Bounders 14th Com. I have no idea when the announcement will be or whether it has passed. Haha.

My New Year's ResolutioNs

Lecture my friends on certain resolutions that they wont keep :)

Genuinely study for ONE exam/test.

I don't really believe in NEW YEAR resolutions.

Oh well.

Its 2353, almost 2007, I'm abit EMO and listening to Death Cab. Haha.
I think I shall go to bed now. Scratch the fireworks..

will YOU be my escape?
11:24:00 pm

31st Dec.

Attachments done.
I got $1000 from the police.
Hari Raya Haji today.
The End Of 2006.
Excellent stuff.


Med Ward. Great Fun. Great staff ;) Signed virtually my whole logbook. Got birthday cake. Gave a birthday cake. Made fun of worst student. =)


Went to Masjid Sultan. I forgot it was where Yaacob Ibrahim always comes during any Hari Raya. Cameras flashing away while we were all doing takbir. His whole entourage did solat sunat together, with the cameramen fingers' still blasting away at 800 rpm. If their prayer was 'symmetrical', I would have burst out laughing. Never mind if you don't get it. Anyhoos..
Now just waiting to go to grand-aunts house.
No more grandparents le. All at Lim Chu Kang.

will YOU be my escape?
1:07:00 pm

Sunday, December 24, 2006
spending all of your money
On trendy haircuts that you read were cool
And you're probably alright
But under these lights you look beautiful
And I'm struggling
I can't see through your fake tan
Oh ya know it for a fact
That everybody's eating outta your hand

will YOU be my escape?
10:00:00 pm

oh yeah!
defeated 4E for the millionth time today at Marina South.
Though the score was 4-2, their two goals were a let-off since offside wasnt used.
Lek scored a hat-trick and Sadiq got a belter in..
wonderful stuff..
I got only 1 shot on target but spent most of my day defending the wings anyway..
Got plenty of hard tackles in..
Excellent. Enjoyed my day

Surprisingly, the boys didnt give me a belated birthday whacking, cause they probably wanted to having nvr had the chance previously....

will YOU be my escape?
8:15:00 pm

Saturday, December 23, 2006
spending my birthday (which is today btw), in the ward doing make-up was quite fun. I've never made a big deal of it anyway......

Only me and Fard were there and she gave me a cute lil cake from Polar...
thanks a bunch ya...
I've never gotten a cake from a friend before.

Anyhoos, I think attachments shud be done in groups of 4 or less. 8 in one shift is too much.
I did so many things today and got to bond with all my patients and the also the staff; some of 'em...
HCA Donald is such a weirdo, he keeps talking abt alot of hilarious rubbish and kept disturbing me n fard during our breaks.

And some makcik, who hails from Solo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, called ne a term which would translate to malay as Gentle. But she said 'lembut'. I spent the whole day thinking she called me SOFT, you know, like GAY? or SISSY? or the like.. Sheeesh.... Well at least she was laughing whenever I talked to her....

And I think just abt every guy student in the ward has a crush on one of the ANs (except maybe Joel n Warren). Joseph keeps commenting on how hot she is. THe other 'not-quite-a-guy' attempts flirting w/ her, but I think he will/has/ is fail/-ed/-ing.. hahaha.
Its safe to say I have a bigger chance with her than any of them, and thats ZERO chance, so guys, y'all are in dreamland, totally. hahahahahahahaha.

oh yeah,

My first job of the day though?
Clearing soiled pampers.
My AN told me to do it. She could have done it herself though.
But, since it was THAT particular AN, I let it be.. hahah

And I'm back from Sunlove CAmp.. forgot bout that.. rushed home from outdoor cooking..
the small/young boys and girls are a lively bunch, rowdy though. Some need attitude adjusments.. Will steal photos from farand if he uploads them...

my grp at BT summit.. easy-peesy climb.. even for the small, tiny, girls.. pri 3 or 4 only le..
and yes, I'm not in the picture. I had to do the picture-taking so we could prove we were here....

will YOU be my escape?
6:16:00 pm

Monday, December 18, 2006
visited a cool online game website whoch also provided videos, jokes, and ODD FACTS.

my most feared odd fact:

More than 2500 left handed people are killed every year from using right handed products.

something cooler:

Smelling bananas and/or green apples (smelling, not eating) can help you lose weight!
girls take note of that if you're that desperate..


# 29

Year 1981

1. Prince Charles got married.
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe.
3. Australia lost the Ashes Tournament.
4. Pope died.

Year 2005

1. Prince Charles got married.
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe.
3. Australia lost the Ashes Tournament.
4. Pope died.

Lesson Learned? - The next time Charles gets married, someone warn the Pope

and lastly, I would say this is the best, but I may be, slaughtered, or worse, for it.

The Chinese ideogram for 'trouble' depicts two women living under one roof.

will YOU be my escape?
9:12:00 pm

its, 7am and CA is starting soon. I'm so sleepy. Came back home at 10 from yet another recce, with Dong Yang, Wen Ting and Grace, this time for this thursday's camp.. went sunset way to distribute flyers for newspaper collection, then on to bukit timah nature reserve to survey things to do, so we ended up climbing all the way to the top. It was my first time, but nothing remotely exciting bout it.. its only 164m? gunung tahan was way more fun, cause its 20 times taller..

anyhoo, went to railway mall to do another survey, then to bukit panjang to distribute more flyers and also survey food shops.. it rained heavily for hours, so we ended up sitting at BPP's LJS for a long time discussing stufflastly went to bukit gombak nature park to check out spots for outdoor cooking.. the quarry looks great at night! but its freakin creeeeeepy.. we had to change the location to a 'safer' place than at the pond plaza.. anyhow, was a fun day..

camp is in 2 days time!!!!! hope everything goes wellll.. logistiics will be hell, cause I'm in charge.. can die man..

will YOU be my escape?
7:02:00 am

Friday, December 15, 2006
Hey people, I've decided I'm not scary enough so here is this wonderful background

oops.. scratch that... TOO scary

will YOU be my escape?
12:38:00 am

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

my holidays has turned from "action-packed" to just packed with daydreaming. When I daydream more than I play games during the holidays, something is just not right.

Lucky for me, tmr I gng out. By gng out I mean going to play pool with Haziq and Man. Khai would come but I cant seem to get hold of him. Oh well. I havent seen him in a long2 while. The 4 of us haven't seen each other together since a few weeks after Grad Night perhaps?

I only see Haziq every fri when I go to Al-Ansar... Man, slightly less than that.
oh well. pool can't wait arnd.. I havent touched a pool stick in months.. but, unlike a video game, I won't lose my touch for more than 1 match.. hoho..

A thought just came up.. I shall go and 'day'dream about it to keep myself 'happy'..
Mind you, none of my daydreaming ever comes 2 anythng, so I don't put any hope on any of em, whether its me piloting a fighter plane as an ace pilot, or playing pro football, getting top marks for any exam, or hell,

even about a girl eh?

will YOU be my escape?
11:30:00 pm

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
arrghh.. I knew something went wrong during my NSL prac.. there's no way it would have a nice ending despite going, and appearing smooth.. I got 2nd lowest in class 4 it... barely made it.. same goes for every other test... that's what happens when you don't study.....

lame, lame and lame..

oh well...

hey, like my new wallpaper?? looks cheap yeah? Who has results of a game put into a wallpaper??? but who cares...
fletch looks like his scratching/pinching Rooney's axilla and he looks like his either wincing in agony or lauging from being tickled!! Hilarious stuff...

will YOU be my escape?
9:14:00 pm

Monday, December 11, 2006
I almost always lose an argument due to the fact that my patience, unfortunately, isnt' brought around with me in an argument (it usually is everywhere else) so I can't stand it when people give wrong arguments (I usually have strong physical evidence) and end the "discussion" so I dont get a migraine.
BERALAH kan? Tak payah nak lwn atau memenangi budak2 kecil.. haha. kecil may even mean ppl my age or older, if you catch my drift.

So, I still don't have 100% patience I imagined I had.. Actually I thought t'was abt 95%, whatever.
But I don't mind and I won't do anyting abt it.
If I work on my patience during arguments, that would make me win more arguments right?
But if I do that, that would be seen as me trying to be more competitive than needed.
I don't need that, unlike some people. Competitive at everything.
I shall leave my competition spirit to playing soccer or competing in any races... =)
Arguments don't get you medals anyway right?

Now on that note, I find it kinda odd that I'm wondering abt my patience and arguments all of a sudden.
I haven't had anything to do with either the words in the past few weeks.
Guess being bored during the break kinda forces these kind of thought on you eh?
Oh well..
I shall go and imerse myself in more Godfather gaming. Oh wait, I've finished playing.
Silent Hill 4 then. Ooops, I dont even have it. Shall go buy it sooooon.
Fine then, I shall settle for Star Wars Battlefron. GOD.
I sound like a freaking NERRRD now.
Well, it IS the holidays. I shall be nerdy-talk free once attachments start...

will YOU be my escape?
9:20:00 pm

I just finished watching my Star Wars DVD collection for the umpteenth time.. I just finished watching episode 6 and despite watching it so many times on DVD, I never noticed that at the end, when Luke looks out and sees Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin, the Anakin is the young one played by Hayden Christensen, not the older one... And I was staring at the face trying to recall who this person was, expecting to see the 70s version of Anakin... lame stuff there....

Well anyway, all this DVDs are giving me a chance to use the Media Center on this new computer... Watching TV on the computer is truly a great thing... I shall now go and watch another story..

will YOU be my escape?
1:20:00 pm

Saturday, December 09, 2006
You May Be a Bit Obsessive Compulsive...

Meticulous and detailed oriented, you have some irrational obsessions.
Maybe it's your super neat closet or washing your hands a gazillion times.
You probably know it's weird, but you just can't stop thinking about it.
In fact, the more you think about your quirks, the more you have to do them.
What Personality Disorder Are You?

hmmm looks like Stef was right.. Haha.. Well we ALL have some weird disorder. OCD isn't THAT bad..

will YOU be my escape?
2:05:00 pm

Friday, December 08, 2006
The Corleons wanna buy you out.
Take this and go home.

Rank: Don
Familes destroyed: Stracci.
Families under ruins: Tatagllia
Families still running strong: Barzini, Cuneo.
Skill lvl: 45
85% of business and rackets owned.

Driver is Code 6
Uhh, I'm gonna stop him with a 10-75

Blacklist Rival: No 2 [ Bull ]
Races Completed: 9
Milestone: 4 (1 more!!!!)
Bounty: 6,875,300 (arnd 700,000 more)
My Cars: Mitsubishi EVO
Lamborghini Murcielago (max performance)

lol.. above are stats for the games I'm currently playing.. IDiot... I hate staying at home nowadays.. no motivation to go and exercise.. now I know how everyone else feels..

haha.. that line was evil.. OFcourse everybody exercises, right? right?

will YOU be my escape?
8:23:00 pm

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Hmmm. Been busy these few days with the upcoming Sunlove Camp. I'm handling all the logistics stuff, although I'm the free-est of the camp committee.

would be more suitable for me to handle the programmes but I'm just not cut out for that kind of crap. Lol. Too lazy. we'll be spending probably abit over $1000 for the camp. Yes! A Thousand Bucks! For a 2.5D2N camp. Cool Stuff huh?

And the shirt for the com members will be BRIGHT ORANGE le! I love orange but hate to be dressed in it. But nvm that. At least there's a T-shirt. *would follow with its free here, but I have to pay*.

Can't wait for the camp to be over and done with. Meaning, the planning lah. Can't wait for the actual camp. I'm also looking forward to NEXT weekend. NPOB will send a team of 5 to a 24hr race, I think, organized by The Adventure Seekers. should be a cool affair.

In the mean time, I shall indulge myself in playing more of THE GODFATHER!!
Like Elliott said, it's abit like GTA. Can go around killing and whacking people.
But GTA is lame. No emotion. No depth. Just go around bullying people. Y'all like that don't you? Games that are TOO DAMNED easy and simple to understand?
Haha. Go have fun lil kids.

I shall stick to stuff such as Medieval 2 and the like.

will YOU be my escape?
9:44:00 pm

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
There's a taste that you can't shake
But you can't seem to let them go awry
I know you're special
You're a rocket to me
At this surprised
All the time

will YOU be my escape?
10:42:00 pm

Sunday, December 03, 2006
hello again. Havent been able to blog or use the com for the past few days since there wasnt internet connection at home. Why? Cause ther wireless stuff at home isnt fixed. Why would I need wireless in the house???

CAUSE I HAVE A NEW COMPUTER!! Its a HP Media Centre PC. The 20" Widescreen monitor is SUPERB!

well enuf of the new com and on to the past few days.
Most poeple have been busy with Red Camp I guess. The "small kids" running around and that big tent with stuff going on inside. JamHop night or something was it?
The school was packed quite a bit. Oh yeah, some guy - I don't know what his role in the camp was - thought I was a camp participant who got lost. Idiot. I would say HE was lost because EVERYONE knows the ever unique OB shirt which I happened to be wearing.

Well with all that going on, I was glad I was NOT part of it. Spent my Friday and Saturday with NPOB. Yes, while people were dancing or whatever in school, I was walking from EAST COAST to SCHOOL. Yes, walk. In the middle of the night. No transport. Was quite fun. Our activities never seem to make us tired. Just full of injuries. =)

I came back to school at arnd 0530 and felt awake and REFRESHED but my knees were both gone. Both my feet were swelling up. But who cares right. It was so much fun.
My group spent the whole trip talking rubbish and posing for pictures with the X'mas day decorations along orchard Rd. Oh yeah in my grp were Kelvin, Rex, Eunice, KK, Han Bin, his friend ( i dunno how to spell), Jun Wei and Wen Ting. We were the fastest grp, but the trip was made such that we would come back last. =)

Interesting things to see at orchard at that time. Was about 1 to 2am. Saw plenty of after-partying WOmen who were dressed... Or rather undressed to impress.. Lol. Had our fair share of drunk ppl and street racers to deal with. I almost got knocked over by trying to be too clever. Went in the middle of an empty Tanglin Road and walked on my hands from one end to the other. An EVO, i think, screamed past me, not 2 or 3 meters behind... was some scary stuff.. I behaved myself on the empty roads after that...

Was glad to see KAP went we returned. That place always is a place resembling hope and stuff like that for OB people, though the MacDonalds there is a haven for getting heart attacks. Hehe.
Anyhoo, came back to school, slept, woke up. Ate /breeakfast, rushed home to play THE GODFATHER!!! muahahah.

will YOU be my escape?
7:45:00 pm

Friday, December 01, 2006
I'm unlike everyone else, mostly. Here's some views that I have that MAY make me a weird person.

I think ALL people who play CS and World of Warcraft (and its related games) are losers. Ok fine, MOST.

People who don't keep healthy are pathetic and should be incarcerated or even better be killed.

Weapons are cool things that must be collected and seen as art.

I love politics. =)

I think the Soviet Union was cool, and the Nazis were effective, YET, I hate both governments and wished I could kill Stalin and Hitler myself.

Singapore is the world's most powerful country. We will defeat some big country in some war.


I have to make all Muslim girls good. Lame but true. Its more of a natural thing. For the guys? They don't conform to Muslim laws, you hcase 'em with any thing you can find and beat 'em up.

ahhhhh... the ever stupid things that go through my mind everyday.
Thank God for PS2 and soccer.

will YOU be my escape?
11:53:00 am

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009