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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Today happens to be a nice day to catch up on movies
I stopped typing up my story for a while.
I've just finished 40 Year Old Virgin.
The uncut version is great, minus the overexposure of assets of course.

Some movies I'm watching for the first time cause I'm not much of a cinema person.
I just watched Night At The Museum today for God's sake.
Oh well.

I'm gonna watch Jackass Number Two now.
I watched it a couple of days ago.
Its great.


Oh yeah. For those people who still have no idea how cool my dad's job is.

He gets tired of sitting in the office. So he comes and shoots things.

"Muahah, this vehicle belongs to MEE"
I'd show you the target he shot, but the shots all looked bad. He shot around 15rounds into a man's abdomen. It was on purpose though. =)

I'll own my dad at shooting when I finally go for NS.


will YOU be my escape?
11:45:00 am

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Hush Sound

I'm a recent fan of rock bands with females inside it. Not that I never ever liked women in bands. I actually like them. Kinda weird but its actually more of a turn on than anything else, really. Most are decent people, more decent than their popular counterparts in other genres.

As usual, I like thier kind of sound. Indie, and abit jazzy. Love it.

The B-52's!!! New Wave babey.
These folks have been around since before I was born.
And they're still going strong today.
Cindy and Kate have got to be the best vocalists of any rock bands with females.
Love em'
If I didnt hate dancing so much, I'd be jumping to thier music everyday.

Also. For memory's sake.
My old guitar.
An Epiphone LesPaul BlackBeauty.
I never named her.
Yes, its a her.
I take it you read the German cars post.
Argh. I want a Fender Jazzmaster!


will YOU be my escape?
8:39:00 am

Sunday, February 25, 2007
My neighbourhood is pretty noisy right now.
The Chingay thing is happening here as well.
Everyone of the floats look the same from up here in my house.
And they just turned onto Avenue 3 which leads to the forest and not so public areas.
I'm listening to the B-52s currently, to drown out the Shakira music from the roads.

Well. I've been complaining of being bored for these past few days.
So, on a whim, I decided to "write a book"
Its just to pass time. I've already gotten 5,000+ words in and it seems quite good.
The storyline is lame, of course.
And virtually 100% of the events are not possible.

Basically. I run away from home. To Malaysia. Then I end up in France. Then to the UK. Then I join their Army. Become some hotshot squaddy. Go war. Recruited into NSA (in US) and after that I undertake some mission which I havent decided on yet.

Yes, stupid I know. But it keeps my brain at work.
Actually, its pretty tiring writing a book.
I have to constantly keep multiple tabs open on my Internet to do various research.
I constantly have a translator website on plus names of towns and cities.
I think my story will go well.
Hopefully I finish it by the time holidays end. =)

will YOU be my escape?
8:16:00 pm

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Welcome to the world of German Cars.

I've always been fascinated by German engineering.

Even their WWII stuff is cool.

I especially love the cars and the weapons.

German cars are a class away from others.

Superb reliability and strength and power.

And sadly, out of my price range probably even at the peak of my career.

My Dream car - Audi A8.

Now doesnt that say tough and cool?
A thought just came up. I wonder why many many cars look damned tough and mostly, they look like a man or maybe a boy. And yet, males. especially the single ones, will refer to thier cars as 'she'.
Oh well no matter. I'm like that too. I wonder whether cars are really more worth it than anything else. I mean, thier purchase price aside, you don't really have to do much maintenance if you're careful with it, and cars ALWAYS like to ride (drive) and don't give you problems unless you do so first.
Hey, at least there arent that many emotional entanglements you can get into with your car. If you like another car, you can just sell the old one.
I wonder whether people actually get what I'm trying to say up here. =)
oh yeah, on another note, if you're feeling down, please cut down on the chocalate. You can make yourself happy without snacking in between meals. Just go eat fish. Too much never hurt anyone, yet. Cheerio
I'm gonna bulk up. Mixed three diff drinks in the past hour. urgh

will YOU be my escape?
3:19:00 pm

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
after many many months, I finally bought the Black Book.
As it name suggests, the pages are all blank and, well, Black.
I got a silver pen to go along with it, though I should have gone for a thinner one.

Anyhoos, I gave it a try, see?

okay. this. not that original. but who cares. looks nice, no?

ahh, thats more like it.

will YOU be my escape?
5:33:00 pm

Appreciate - 'prE-shE-"At, verb.

1 a : to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of
b : to value or admire highly
c : to judge with heightened perception or understanding : be fully aware of
d : to recognize with gratitude

The word appreciate really has me captivated.
It has, no doubt, been invented/created so that certain groups of people at certain times will make people feel bad about themselves.

Take for example," You don't appreciate what you have been taught/given, etc".
Makes sense right? The person in question should have more gratitude and such.

But check this," People don't appreciate ball-games as real sports" or "You can't appreciate my drawing planes"
<<(psst. no pun intended for the latter sentence)>>

Anyway, the sentence has the effect of making someone feel that if you don't feel football or tennis is a real sport or me drawing planes is not a real art, then you're a loser of sorts and should go in a little corner and reflect about your unappreciativeness.

Oh well.
That's the English language for you.
Gotta love it, if you can speak it properly.

Alritey then, its 0730. Time for my run. The stupid neighbours are just getting out of the house.
There goes that distinctive loud crash of the gate. Nekulturny swines.

Oh yeah, today, attachment starts for the first group. Damn. Good luck people. Avoid killing any old folks ja?

will YOU be my escape?
7:24:00 am

Monday, February 19, 2007
well, its CNY and I have no idea where everyone has disappeared to.

Anyway. its been a noisy two days.
I slept in while my family went out the wholde day, to avoid the potential noise.
And for some reason, it felt like my whole block was playing mahjong.
Could hear the constant shuffling of the damn playing pieces.
I have no idea what you call them.

At least it didnt really bother my sleep.
I really need to get out more.
My planned exercise and sleep routine arent taking up enough time.
Mind you, I workout for at least 2hrs.
Running time not included. =)
I have at least 4 to 5 boring hours in the house.

I even took to reading again.
I've neglected books alot.
My vocab's going downhill
I'm halfway through Rainbow Six again.

oh well. Gonna go eat b'fast now.

will YOU be my escape?
7:34:00 am

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
okay I never thought I'd be a fan of anything to do with Japanese Music.
But this band and the genre they do just appeals to me you know?
Great sounds. Great Style.


crazy fellas ya.

anyway. I noticed many people are reminiscing on their blog and the history or memories they have with it. So, I decided to read the first few posts I had on THIS particular site. I couldnt help but laugh at the stupid things I wrote. I thought bad english was cool then (of course I jolly well know I'm capable of speakin perfectly, just chose not to).

Whatever I wrote never ever sounded intellectual.
Come on.
I said stuff like, "wanna die like dat" and "I'm damn tired ah".

Gross, now, the more I think about it.
Well, that was kinda of a lame period then.

And I just remembered. I miss my old blog.
Its name was: Skit Peh Chin Chye.

Filled with?
Uber hilarious things.
Funny videos. My Pranks. Funny situations.
The whole "cool" blog thing.
Nothing remotely "feeling"

Of course, I had to shut it down cause people were coming and making a mess of things.
Y'all are familiar with the typical hater, no?

Oh well. That's that.
Ready To Strike will live for a long time.
Probably retire once I graduate.
Then start a new one once I start working eh?
Wouldn't that be cool.
Different phases of life yields a new kind of writing perhaps.

Ok. Typing this much has gotten me hungry.
I feel like having some of that Moo Sandwich ice-cream, whatever they call it.
Later folks

will YOU be my escape?
8:15:00 pm

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I've been starting getting heavily involved with my music as of late.
Been downloading various live shows, most notably, White Stripes shows.
Wikipedia-ing and other "research"

Also. My current top10 are

Arctic Monkeys
The White Stripes
The Raconteurs
The Hives
The Vines
Nine Inch Nails
Kill Hannah

rooney has slipped from 2nd to 4th.

Anyhows, Pharmacology is done, meaning the end of final-yr exam
Relief for the moment, but will be horrible when results actually comes out.

In the mean time, celebrate? naw.
Lots of Sleep And Double the exercise from the previous break.
I even made a workout schedule to keep myself updated
so semangat rite?

okay. I'm gonna watch Prison Break now.
Havent caught episode 16 yet

and Happy whatever day to y'all who celebrate it...

will YOU be my escape?
9:15:00 pm

arghhh.. I need to get 70% for CMBio to get my target of B+
At least I know I've passed. Haha.

Only Pharmacology left to do.
I'm confident enough about it so much so I could give my notes to Zira.

Then after that tmr we can all enjoy.
Though I'll be probably rotting everyday day for the next 5 weeks till my attachment starts.
I feel like being uncontactable during the break.
Abit extreme, but seems appealing now.

I should stock up on Farmland products, peanut butter, and Rose Syrup.
Otherwise I wont be able to make it thru the break.

will YOU be my escape?
2:10:00 pm

Monday, February 12, 2007
FON down.

probably down the drain too

will YOU be my escape?
8:17:00 pm

Friday, February 09, 2007
Open your eyes,
We're here,
Are you okay?
I'd give all I have just to get you to stay.
For so many years in my dreams, things were changing,
But always your face was the same:

Love you to death.
Love you to death.
Baby, I love you to death
Love you.

When you opened up what you said, it was so sad,
That no one would notice if you ran away.
Then your mascara, it ran,
Don't you vanish.
Tonight, I'm alive just to say:

Love you to death.
Love you to death.
Baby, I love you to death.
Love you.

And they say,
That we're living in a movie world.
So they say,
But does the hero get the girl in the end?

Love you to death.
[Does the hero get the girl?]
Love you to death.
[Does the hero get the girl?]
Baby, I love you to death.
[Does the hero get the girl?]
Love you.
[Does the hero get the girl?]
In the end.

arghhhh, Kill Hannah is just genius.
I love this song.
I dunno whether I'm in love though.
That's impossible at the moment.



will YOU be my escape?
10:13:00 pm

well I finally found a nice studying groove..
Literally, groove.

Ok that didnt make sense
Bad English.

I'm sitting here
With a Maggi in a bowl to my left.
Pharmacology book in front of me.
And Ramones music BLASTING from my speakers.
*sings sheena is a punk rocker*
The sub-woofer is working over time.
Windows and doors closed.
Music at its loudest.
Me shaking in my chair.
And in awhile, some song will come up
that requires me to play guitar.
So I shall soon go grab my friends wonderful electric Yamaha in my room.
(I'm borrowin it for this week).
Then start playing.
Then continue studyin

Guess what. I'm getting everything in.

p.s. this is just a fun way to study. My results will still stink. =)

will YOU be my escape?
10:10:00 am

Thursday, February 08, 2007
I went to eat at Macs today and study Pharmaco there.
Not so surprisingly I spent $9.55 there.

Anyhow, studied for abt an hour there then went off.
Was scouting for game shops when, for some unforeseen reason,
I walked through a LARGE group of TRANNIES!!!!!!
And I didnt even notice they were there!!!!!!!

My usualy obeservant self who can spot friends from a mile away couldnt even spot trannies 3 feet away.

The scary part was, when I walked past them, I actually turned around to check.
*I almost puked out my Prosperity Burger right there*
ohh, the irony.

They were HUGE. Taller than the average soccer player. Voices a thousand octaves lower than mine. ARghhhh.. Why??? Why in Bedok of all places.
Isnt it bad enough that Bedok is where all the lousy mats and their pets stroll about??

And not too mention the whole place reeked of weird smelling food too.. For some reason the number of shops selling Babi-Q has increased. Urghhh..

I think I'll only go to central now only if there ever is a game shop. Otherwise, whenever I'm hanging out in the east, I shall stick to Marine Parade and East Coast.

will YOU be my escape?
1:52:00 pm

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I still feel so sad. haha
now for the 14th Committee.
I look lame.
Luckily the act tough pose was there.

Not that I need to act. =P

will YOU be my escape?
11:34:00 pm


a nice day today.
I finally got some real studying done.
Which is exactly what I don't want to do.
But here I am.

Been listening to classics today, for some reason
Bangles to Jackson Five to REM

No Rooney, no Arctic monkeys
Hell, not even blink 182.

I wonder what that could mean.
Or perhaps I'm just in the mood eh?

will YOU be my escape?
3:31:00 pm

Sunday, February 04, 2007

13th OB AGM yesterday was GREAT. Everythin was perfect.

the theme was METARMOPHOSIS
which, in case you din know, has 13 letters. =)

anyhoo.. the video Farand made - i assume it was him - of the 13th Com was quite sad and happy at the same time. The editing was cool. Nice song too. 'It Ends Tonight'
Common song, but it fit the occasion the best. And then there was the presenting of the 14th com.
Christina gave Dong Yang, Rachel and me our PC shirts. cool stuff..

anyways. ate 4 rounds of food, though it wasnt that great. Took plenty of pictures, but none on my cameras. Only one with Sally. haha. shall find the pictures from other people soon...

there we go. I look lame.. and what in the world is Hafizd doing??

other activities of the night included CLEANING UP. which was quite fun actually. we bursted aaround 50+ balloons before we realized what a mess we were making. Classic man..
once we closed shop for the night, everyone went off 'cept the com members + Li Heng and Hafizd.

oh yeah, guess what Han Bin, Li Heng, Hafizd and me did.

We took a trolley [which ppl use to push inanimate objects] and I pushed the three of them from Alumni Clubhouse, all the way up the hill, all the way down to the atrium and then partnered with Hafizd to go the rest of the uphill to block 18.. I think I can run a marathon soon..
All I have now is a dead leg. =)

oh well.. cooled off. had a small de-brief with com members.. was quite a solemn yet relaxed atmosphere we were in.. nice though.. Can't wait to start getting to work with my 14th com members.


will YOU be my escape?
9:57:00 am

Saturday, February 03, 2007
mornin' folks.

its 3rd of Feb today

Annual General Meetin is finally here..

And my NSL theory was lame. haha. passed. but lame.
oh well..

will YOU be my escape?
9:45:00 am

Thursday, February 01, 2007
after much waiting, my CCA points are finally updated.
still not the full list, but 14 points is quite nice.
And they didnt even calculate it at the 1.5X more for nursing students.. hehe.

anyhoos.. today was borin.. went to FON for 15mins. it was only my presentation.
then went to KFC to eat with the P01 ppl who came to class.
then me an Jo went to play pool, where, by much luck, he thrashed me 4 games in a row for 8-ball.. but I beat him twice for 9..

then on to school where I did not study for NSL..
went for NSL. Did it for 3-5mins...
go home..
talk nonsense..

ya.. boring..

will YOU be my escape?
7:54:00 pm

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009