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Thursday, March 29, 2007
To date.
3 people have died.


I Camp proposal is up soon..
I'm gonna die if me and Eunice don't have the program up soon...
I'm so busy with CA that I can't find time to do my work.
I think I'll stay in school after sports camp on Sunday and then go for PM shift the next day, just to do work. Haha.

Busy, busy, busy.

will YOU be my escape?
8:58:00 pm

Thursday, March 22, 2007
firstly, to all my buds going to their respective YEPs, have fun and stay healthy.

okay. attachments. its still ABIT of a bore.
But still.
We have this one patient in my team who's very dependant.
He's the kind who has all sorts of baloney in him.
MRSA here, cancer there. Wounds everywhere so much so every student will probably get a chance to change dressings at least once.

And he has oozing limbs.
Even multiple layers of incontinence sheets are not helping to prevent the bed from getting soaked in water n plasma.

He's quite a sad case really.
Me and Joseph spent at least half and hour yesterday wondering whether his moans and groans were just frustration or something specific.

Oh well, I think I've found my case-study then. =)

And also, I have yet another patient who seems to remember EVERYBODY'S names, if you tell him. Apparently, now, i'm his bosom friend and he calls me and
jo, the corsican brothers - if thats how its spelt - cause we're always in the same cubicle.

anyways. time for me to get a decent b'fast in now that I'm in the pm shift.


will YOU be my escape?
7:49:00 am

Monday, March 19, 2007
First day of MY attachment.
The ward here is quite relaxed but I'll only know tomorrow morning for sure.

This is the first ward where I noticed the sister is friendlier than the staff.
Not that the staff arent friendly.
They are.
Just that the sister is more. =)

Kinda fit in with the L02 people okay I guess.
Even Joseph made friends easily.

Oh yeah. I should stop calling the others L02 soon.
If the labelling of the groups are the same, then I am in next semester's L02, currently known as academic sub-plan B.
I have a strong feeling I'll be separated from MOST of my gang.
Oh well.


will YOU be my escape?
6:00:00 pm

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Back from yet another 3 days spent with my OB buds.
I'm bushed. More mentally.

Let's see.
Had a meeting with Ms June, our CCA Advisor, while discussing our clubs goals, visions, and also had a few updates on the annual program, and an upcoming Ace Adventure challenge.

The highlight of the meeting was getting a relatively large MacDonald's delivery meal fully paid by the school, I think. Haha

Anyhoo. I'm gonna be damned busy in the upcoming weeks, juggling attachment with OB Meetings. We're involved in the Sports Camp, CCA fiesta, and have to plan for I Camp. Busy, busy, busy.

So, second day. Went to Sentosa. The whole day was basically a birthday celebration for Eunice and Ying Jia. Happy 19th you guys. Came back to school dead sleepy, but activities continued, naturally. We had a DRAIN-CRAWL!!!
it literally is crawling in the drain. It's actually illegal to do that in school. =)
We had a simulation exercise too, where Daren faked injury. He did quite a good job acting, although I wasnt believeing the whole thing that much. haha. but the activity was useful.

And lastly, had all our final discussions today, then home. I spent a glorious time sleeping in 67, from CCK to Bedok, after lunch. that was nice.

ok.. I'm off to bed. CA tmr. gonna hate it. I forgto how to do dressing... muahahahaha


will YOU be my escape?
9:21:00 pm

Thursday, March 15, 2007
My exam results are kind of a bore really.
My GPA dropped 0.7

At least I got AD for SAWI and Clinical Attachment.

and I finally upgraded to Windows Vista.
Had a few bumps along the way, but everything can work fine now.
Nothing great.
But I love the new features though.
And I can't believe the upgrade programm decided to select MY computer to have the files erased.
Thankfully, I know how to back up my stuff before hand.


will YOU be my escape?
6:08:00 pm

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Events at the weekend.

Man Utd has to have an FA Cup replay.
My team won yet again, against our juniors.
I scored one of the six. =)

Oh yeah, most people at home decided to get sick now so that they can pass it to me.
Especially since attachments are only a week away.
I'd hate to have to wear a mask the whole shift cause I might sneeze into some old patient and kill him faster than he would have hoped.

will YOU be my escape?
9:02:00 pm

Thursday, March 08, 2007
I have a weird younger brother.
I find his behaviour a tad peculiar.

His probably a walking contradiction.
Assuming I have the right meaning of course.

Check this.
Our sibling rivalry is what I would call below-average unhealthy.
So nothing too bad currently.

So our - mostly his - main point of "conflict" would be who's better than the other.
Quite a common one right?

He likes to contradict himself alot though, in trying to one-up me.
For example, he likes to call me stupid right?
He has worse results.
Then he calls me a nerd, quite the total opposite eh?
But he also likes to think he's better at computer games.

Next. He calls me gay/sissy/ and other defaming remarks about nurses, male ones to be specific.( Typical Singaporean maybe? It's still quite a problem here. Unless anyone wants to highlight any other countries where large numbers of people still think nursing is purely a females' job?) And he thinks he's tougher cause he's in NCC.

Big deal. He can't help in fixing things. No outdoor skills. Needs a comfortable toilet. Likes good food. No responsibility. And on top of that, he can't really defend himself from anything. Thinks he looks great in a camo uniform.
I sound mean.

Of course with regards to the latest remark on nurses, Senior Staff Nurse Suraya Banu will know how to handle him! =O

Oh well. One has to hope that by 15, at least, he shapes up properly. I don't want to be cleaning up after him.


will YOU be my escape?
9:08:00 pm

If I don't like to go to the beach, go shopping or visit the cinema, and like to lone it around, others WILL tell me to get a life. So doing all of the above is having a life? Geez. How long will it last I guess.

If someone who exercises all his life in fear of the possibility of contracting various diseases and others tell him to get a life, shouldn't the others, usually those who do little or no exercise, ALSO get a life since thier totally the opposite?

After all, the guy exercising does "get a life", quite literally too.

I usually have run-ins with the latter problem. =) So far no one has ever told me to get a life for not likeing those first three activities. /\/\


will YOU be my escape?
6:47:00 am

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The team from Miami Ink

I'm not a tattoo-crazed person.
I won't get a tattoo
I'm not supposed to.

But I so love this show.
Reality TV for real this time.


will YOU be my escape?
5:35:00 pm

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
I've going to committ a whole lot of time to my CCA this coming acad year.
Which probably means less time hanging out with my gang(s).
Not that I hang out much anyway.

I've decided that I'll be taking more proficiency courses and hell, even NYAA awards.
My resume will look superb.
And hopefully too good for just a RN post.

I have come to a conclusion that SOMEDAY, I will climb whatevr mountains I want, go to any National Park I want and trek anywhere I want.

I won't have time to do that as a nurse, really. Probably ten years of my life will be devoted to caring for the sick. The rest of the time, I pray I'll be in the army helping people elsewhere and improving myself. That's defintely more fulfilling.

Besides, my home country does not have a good environment to support my various goals to being really spiritually inclined. =)

everest may be the tallest in the world. but definitely not the toughest. someday. ;)


will YOU be my escape?
10:31:00 pm

Sunday, March 04, 2007
back from Training Camp!
I am now a 100% member of Outward Bounders !4th Committee.

The camp wasnt so much of adventure but had lots of sharing and talking, done mostly by Farand and other previous 13th Com people.

First day was the worst - I stepped into ViVoCity! God. And I didn't even realize it until it was too late. (In case y'all didnt know, I made a promise to myself never to go into Vivo)
Anyway, it was to get to Sentosa, yet another I havent been to in years, unlike the typical Singaporean teen of course. I've never USED any of the beaches even when I went there before. Scary sights to see, if you know what I mean.

Oh well, went there to organize games for members of the 12th Com. It was okay. Nothing great about the place though. Was a test really, but the objectives you need not know.

Then we headed back to school. Relaxed. Then we had a cool activity. Some of you may have heard of Settlers' Cafe. Where you drink tea and play board games?

They had us test a relatively new game - Corporate Cahoots!

Its a business game

Dong Yang, Khai and Me were from China.

It was cool. Strategizing our business plans and trading resources

My group, in theory won. See. We had 4 factories and $700,000

However, $200K fell on the floor and we missed it until AFTER counting

Oh well. Was only a game.

Everyone had fun though.

Had further discussions into the night followed by MaCs meal.

Lights Off.

Nxt day.Mornin'. PT. MacRitchie Hike (IN the forest, not trails)
My group had the 'easiest' route.
Christina's group went missing for 2 hours.
They went through the WHOLE forest.
Excellent stuff.
I have 4 splinters within my leg now.


Second, went back to school where we had a "conversation" at InoSpark (i think thats how its spelt) for at least 4 hours. Everything went in, stayed there, but couldnt quite be retreived immediately.
Then had outdoor cooking with "leftover" instant foods. Myojo noodles mixed with either baked beans or campbell soup is great. =P

And finally had a session with Michelle (6th Com Prez)
She had a character profiling thing, (The Fire, Earth, Air,Water one)

I never really appreciated these tests until now.
At least I can apply it to Outward Bounders

I'm Air by the way.

And lastly, today. Sharing with respects to our respective positions.
Then KFC.
Then Home.

my 14th Committee w/o Kelvin and Yu Heng
on top of Jelutong Tower/ =)


will YOU be my escape?
7:10:00 pm

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
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