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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Hmmmm, I wonder, after NS, do I control things?
According to my plans for that time period, I should say, yes.

I wanna go see transformers soon.
I've seen ever single cartoon episode ever and wouldnt want to miss this movie

Made an observation in the trailers.
Firstly, I know Transformers is a mainstream-friendly movie, meaning most people would go see it.
They're bound to notice that Shia Labeouf is wearing a Strokes shirt which is clearly visible for long periods.

Here's my problem.
I have the EXACT same shirt.
Now if I wear it, people will think I'm obsessed with the guy...

Not that I care.
But its still something to fret over.

will YOU be my escape?
2:20:00 pm

Thursday, June 28, 2007

How I wish I had a VCR for a brain.

I had a dream I BADLY wanted to continue and it was unlike any other great dream.
Oh well.

Who cares if I know it wont come true.
Like Mr Potato said in Toy Story,
"HEY! I can dream can't I?"

It'll only get worse if I listen to Manic Monday now.

will YOU be my escape?
11:47:00 pm

Yesterday happened to be a very strange day.

Came to the ward at 7.
But was out by 8.

The hospital apparently had some auditors coming down who were giving them JCI standard credition or something like that.
So, to prevent any chance of the ward cocking up, all students were sent out of the ward.
But since we were technically still on duty, we couldnt leave.
So spent the whole time in seminar rooms and the library, hence the updating there.

We were totally unsupervised.
I took a break from 1030 to 1pm.
Cool eh?

Well, today is much of the same. Only that I spend around 2 hours away from the ward and come back later in the afternoon to start the shift... At least it means less working hours

will YOU be my escape?
9:45:00 am

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Guess what.

I'm in the hospital library. Updating.
Cool eh? will explain later

will YOU be my escape?
2:28:00 pm

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Urghhh. Back from OB BBQ.

Which didnt quite turn out to be what I expected

It wasnt like most BBQs people have, where you just cook and eat.

Played soccer alot.

And at night, we decided to rent overnight bikes.

However, since our wonderful pit was at Area G, which, literally, IS the other end of East Coast, we had to travel ALL the way to about 2/3 of the way to the other end of east coast to collect the bikes.

So a few of us volunteered to get the 15 or so bikes for the rest.
And being OB people, we didnt really bother complaining.
Since I only volunteered the seonc round of collection, 4 of them went on bikes, and I ran.
Yes I ran all the way.
And I had to cycle with two bikes back.

When I finally returend to the pit, it was like the aftemath of a bad macritchie hike
Leg was bleeding cause I caught it against a flying pedal.
And I regretted not bringing along a frist aid kit just then.

Anyhoo, later into the night, I just cycled aimlessly until Ian & Shu Juan joined me.
Felt really kpoh following them, for obvious reasons.
We cycled until Fort Road and back.
Fort Road IS the other end of East Coast. haha.
Took pictures to prove we were there and also on the empty roads.
Pictures up soon hopefully.

Anyway, on the way back, I got a dead right leg
Which is semi-awake today.

Thank god last night's recee was cancelled.
I wouldnt have tolerated another nights cycling.


will YOU be my escape?
8:25:00 pm

Friday, June 22, 2007
Good mornin.

Here's a wake up picture
Its either scary or ugly. Your choice

will YOU be my escape?
9:47:00 am

Have u ever heard of the term "tough love"?

thats how you learn in my family

watch coach carter or some movie like that. you'll understand

and its good, mostly


i realized the need to buck up in studies,
last term, either been slcaking & hanging out or around too much, or spend too much time at CCA.

if my studies are not top notch, I'll run out of things to throw at my weird younger brother....
not that I want the competition, he wants to challenge me.
I'll give it to him...

Which also means I should improve my general fitness, and hope to God and the Government to send me to ARMY and not CIVIL DEFENCE for NS.

Tough Love right?

will YOU be my escape?
12:09:00 am

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I forgot what I wanted to post literally seconds after signing in

will YOU be my escape?
8:19:00 pm

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
How? how?

Red, White & Black.

According to Jack WHITE,

"the most powerful color combination of all time, from a Coca-cola can, to a Nazi banner"

Not to mention, I can look at Meg White everytime I visit my own blog.

will YOU be my escape?
10:26:00 pm

Monday, June 18, 2007
I've become desperate.

I need to grow taller.

And it can't wait till NS time. Urghhh

will YOU be my escape?
10:26:00 pm


The family is back, finally.
However, I did not get a decrease in housework.

3. I am one of the most average Joe's you'll ever find.
Average results.
Average looks.
Average family income.
Average common sense.
Most people around me that I know arent like that
So I don't really deserve any of the praises I get. =)

will YOU be my escape?
4:19:00 pm

Saturday, June 16, 2007

2. I dare to make supposedly sexist remarks when a situation might call for it because I don't spend my entire life trying to pretend to like everything about the opposite sex

[note: this is about the daring part, not the actual remarks, I know people have feelings too =) Ask me about my perspective on sexism some other time ]

will YOU be my escape?
9:10:00 pm

Friday, June 15, 2007

1. People may say, oh, Kate Beckinsale or someone like that is hot.

I will say, Meg White IS.

This is a new thing I'm doing.
I will randomly have posts listing one attribute, or interest, or anything,
that sets me apart from people in general.
I've done alot, but never numbered them.
So lets start at one.

Ok, anyway.
Today, after many many months, I finally got to meet up with Haziq and Khairul.
Thats bloody long for not seein people who are like your brothers.

We spent the morning playing pool, noon at the mosque, and the rest of the day at my house.

Played PS2.
Made fun of people we know or don't on Friendster.
The inevitable drilling from the two on who my girlfriend was, and they insisted I had one.
A point to note, these are two people who have over the years been the most persistent in not believing that I'm not attached.
Thats right. Two people who know me the best are like that.
Anyways. Was good to chat about stuff.
All the rubbish whoevers going through.

Apparently, I'm supposed to be the one with the happiest life, according to Khai.
Cause I'm active in my CCA,I'm healthy, have plenty of friends, and have alot of girls. (he just couldnt resist)

well that seems to be true.
Haziq having his A levels soon.
Scary for even a smart guy like him
Khai's slacking, and also some other gay stuff.

So really I realized I shouldnt be complaining about anything. =)

will YOU be my escape?
10:01:00 pm

I was watching
With one eye on the other side
I had fifteen people telling me to move
I got moving on my mindI found shelter

In some thoughts turning wheels around
I said 39 times that
I love you to the beauty I had found

Well its 1 2 3 4
Take the elevator
At the hotel yorba
I'll be glad to see you later
All they got inside is vacancy

I've been thinking of a little place down by the lake
They got a dirty little road leading up to the house
I wonder how long it will take 'till we're alone

Sitting on the front porch of that home
Stomping our feet on the wooden boards
Never gonna worry about locking the doorwell

It's 1 2 3 4
Take the elevator
At the hotel yorba
I'll be glad to see you later
All they got inside is vacancy

It might sound silly
For me to think childish thoughts like these
But i'm so tired of acting tough
And i'm gonna do what i please

Let's get married
In a big cathedral by a priest
Cause if i'm the man that you love the most
You could say i do at least

Well it's 1 2 3 4
Take the elevatorat the hotel yorba
I'll be glad to see you later
All they got inside is vacancy

And it's 4 5 6 7
Grab your umbrella
Grab hold of me
Cause I'm your favorite fella
All they got inside is vacancy


will YOU be my escape?
7:52:00 pm

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ahhh. Back to my lovely home, where supper in the form of cooled boiled eggs were waiting for me.

When to PS just now for a mini-evening out with ZULI.... and her guy friend, Sis-something.

Didnt think it was just two of us right?
Of course not

Anyway. Watched Shrek 3. Yippee. I was and still am secretly complaining about how gay I feel.
But hey, I DID have fun.
By far, my favourite Shrek movie.
Most of the movies they're showing now are good.

Didnt really do any exploring but for 2 or 3 stores.
Haha, I still can't get over the reality of girls screaming the word 'SALE!', as Zuls did just now.. hahaha.

Well, was just glad to spend time with people, other than the plants and rabbits at home.

will YOU be my escape?
10:59:00 pm

Now doesnt that just look so delightful.
One of the very few joys of being home alone.
Btw, those arent hashbrowns. They're fish burger patties. Ahaha
Yesterday, I had REAL fish fillet.
But didnt have fries, so instead of Fish 'n Chips I had Fish 'n Campbell Soup.

will YOU be my escape?
12:43:00 pm

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
So yeah, I'm alone at home now.

Just finished all the chores.
Vacuuming, laundry and whatever rubbish

Having cable, the PS2, and TWO PCs in the house still don't make for any entertainment.
The only thing I'm enjoying right now is blasting music in the living room.

Thankfully, meeting Dong Yang later at gym.
Tmr going to watch Ocean's 13. Hopefully its just 4 of us as it stands right now.
Thursday, gym, probably asking the Adventure Racers to join.
Friday meet up with Khai & Haziq play pool and hang around my house.

will YOU be my escape?
10:16:00 am

Monday, June 11, 2007
Well. It seems my family can be quite random.
The rest are supposed to leave for Penang on Wednesday and be back by Saturday morning.

Now, they;ve decided to drop by KL first, which means leaving tmr, and they plan on returning on Sunday.

Now, firstly, me being at home alone 6 days instead of 3 days is definitely NOT bad news.
However, I don't know whether its good or neither.

Because I wouldnt know what to do.
I only have plans for Wednesday and Friday.

Now I'll have to go gym to entertain myself. Hmph

will YOU be my escape?
5:48:00 pm

Sunday, June 10, 2007
My legs are screaming at me and my lungs are furious.

That's what happens when you think your brain is your only friend to get you running and end up running 2 rounds around MacRitchie and back to school in about 3 hours?

And not only that.

Oh man

Sorry my dear organs and limbs. You all shall get a good rest until thursday.
I treat you guys movie on wednesday too.

Oh yeah btw, I said this to some of the guys yesterday, never do 2 rounds like a did.
And even in broad daylight, please bring a friend.
I swear I heard a baby crying in the bushes along rifle range link, which is ALWAYS empty.
Abit cool. But freaky nonetheless.

will YOU be my escape?
10:37:00 pm

Saturday, June 09, 2007
Hello people.

I have this new thing I'm into.
Joining Races.
Well, not for the T-shirts you usually get.
That's a secondary motive.

Anyone interested to be my run buddy?
I'm joining Mizuno Wave Run this year, which is a week after my Ace Adventure Challenge.

Cost is $20 for competitive 10K run.
And registration closes 15th July.

Anyway, that's that.

I went to my first movie since Over The Hedge which seemed ages ago.
After comm meeting 8 of us went to Cathay to watch Zodiac.
I think Han Bin, Jia Jun, Yu Heng and Me must have felt really gay seating on the 'couples' seats.
The other 4 wouldnt have felt like that. hehe.

Well. Zodiac IS a good show.
Draggy, and confusing at times.
Everyone somehow kept reacting with a big sigh everytime "1 year later' or"2.5 weeks later" came out.
But I loved the ending.
Mark Ruffalo is becoming one of my favourite actors.
We were freezing at the end.
I was feeling 'high' from not being in a cinema for so long.

I just realized NPOB is a VERY happening club right now, for our size.

will YOU be my escape?
2:28:00 pm

Thursday, June 07, 2007
Common Test is over people.
Time to go and have a few days of fun until you start attachments, for those going first la

By the way, if any nurses and our respective gangs are interested, I wanna go MacRitchie and have a proper hike.
I've done it with OB 4 times already, so might as well let others experience it.
Not just a walk and go Treetop and take pictures, but also go into the jungle.
It'll be free-of-charge.
And if you want, a free crash course in orienteering

Anyone wanna go tell me ya.
Time to do something more interesting than "going out"

will YOU be my escape?
1:40:00 pm

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
uhhh, why do I feel like I just had a sudden negative mood swing.


will YOU be my escape?
10:45:00 pm

I have a newfound love of school

Why, because PAS paper was a give away today.
I drew many airplanes.

Well, today, supposed to go gym as usual.
But, as usual, gym partners go missing.
So I alone beside all the dragonboaters.
But didnt really feel weird somehow, cause its the same people.
And besides, even though I'm the smallest size around the free weights, I lift quite a big load.
I'll probably be making friends with them soon.

Thank God tomorrow is the last paper.
NS3 is such a disease.
Not having notes is my fault, but even though I can study on MeL, there's just too much.

After that, most people will probably be going out and doing thier own stuff.
Movies or shopping or whatevers cool.
Zira's going to Cameron Highlands.
No fair.
I shall go there soon, and walk up. =)

So, what will I be doing.
Gym la.
Duh. I've already dedicated this whole week to it.
And there's nothing else to do anyway other than sit at home.

Oh yeah, congrats to Rudy for being the first to pass my test.
See, I'm not THAT mysterious.


will YOU be my escape?
9:40:00 pm

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Singaporeans, admit it, you guys have a staring problem.

No, I'm not someone who goes," Eh what you stare stare? Want to fight arh?"

However, I seriously think its annoying when people stare so much and get themselves into trouble with people.

The best place to observe people as usual, is the MRT, and on a long ride, as the train gets full, you see interesting stuff.

At Tiong Bahru, this 50+ dude, gets on, stares at me with either the racist-you-shouldnt-come-wthinin-10feet-of-me look, or more likely, the why-are-you-taking-up-so-much-space look.

C'mon old man, if I was even half of a hooligan I might have floored you on the train itself.
Old people sometimes.

Ok, second case. ITE couple gets on. The girl keeps staring at me intently.
No she's certainly not attracted to me.
I don't think many people are anyway, but that's beside the point.
She has the typical minah, "I am fierce. Beware" look.
And she keeps muttering stuff to her boy, who keeps turning to stare at me in the same tone.

So I start fidgeting and keep turning to let them see, in bright yellow, the words
They went about their own business after that.
Surprise surprise.
Oh well.
Ok. Today.
No test, but I went to school anyway, right
Why? To study with Mahathir at 12
So I studied PAS in clubhouse.
Farand came. Went to gym&swim.
I fell asleep.
I woke up. His stuff was gone.
Long nap eh.
Then went to library to study NS3.
Waited until 130 evetually for that guy to come.
He touched the mouse and for some reason, some clown left a online game on.
So he played, played, in the end never study.
So yeah, after that he met up with his girl, we went to clubhouse to slack.
Me & mahathir played badminton.
Left shortly after that.
I went to eat alone, then go gym.
This week, is officially free weights for me.
Felt totally out of the place, with the taller bigger guys.
But hey, I'm no bodybuilder.
I do not aim to have huge chests and what-not.
I aim, to have a healthy heart, and be able to run.
Ok, my fingers are tired.
End post.

will YOU be my escape?
9:18:00 pm

Sunday, June 03, 2007


The gentle art of enhancing your charm

By pretending not to be aware of it.


will YOU be my escape?
8:05:00 pm

Sometimes, I wonder how I don't die of parent-caused stress.

Thie following are pictuers of my room & bed

Nice right? Neat right?
Not according to my mom. =)
Can you guess the number of things that are untidy or out of place?

Well there are 7.
  1. [Top Picture] Notice the 2 storage containers? Notice how the one on top is "misaligned"?
  2. My Big Friendly Bag. Nope, that shouldnt be out there on weekends.
  3. The carpet. Its too close to the table. -.-"
  4. My pillows. Not in shape
  5. The bedsheet. Crumpled and not pulled properly
  6. [Bottom Picture] See the wires hanging out? That's my charger. It shouldnt be seen at all.
  7. Look at the 3 CDs and my NSL book. "You're not studying NOW, so keep the book"

Cool right?

But for all the petty stuff I get reprimanded on and for all the experimental first child methods my parents use on me that 99% of other kids don't get, I actually gain alot.

  1. As above, I have become a naturally neat and organized person. I even arrange the food on my tray at MacDonalds
  2. Beatings at a young age, WITHOUT canes or rulers, just skin. This has made me virtually incapable of caring about pain

Oh. A sudden surge of memory loss. I forgot the rest. =)

Oh well, I'm off to study NSL.

Oh yeah, the nxt week.
I will be at gym EVERYDAY.
Probably even on non-test days
Just an invitation to anyone interested

will YOU be my escape?
7:34:00 pm

Saturday, June 02, 2007

This is still my favourite.
I love the commentary.

will YOU be my escape?
12:30:00 pm

Friday, June 01, 2007
2nd post of the day in the library.
Only its 8pm, not 8am.

Well. I hated ELAHA today.
I had to rush back from Masjid.
Didnt even wait for Rudy.

Well, the questions were rubbish.
EVERYONE I looked at wrote on virtually every single line of the page.
I'm lagging behind.

Anyhows, after NSL, met up with Zuli, Paul, Mary&Jack.
But instead of ging to the gym, what did we do?
go King Albert Park
very good.
I even ate two burgers.
Gained lord knows how much.
Met Said for the first time. *congratulates self*

I left at around 7 cause I was feeling kinda lame hangin around, so I went back to school.
Weilson was going home, told me no one was in clubhouse.
Sad, no gym partner.
so, I ran.
To 6th Avenue.
and back.

I felt my Fries coming up, but lately, I've had the ability to swallow it in, literally too, and go faster. Was happy with my time today. Did about 5k in 25mins?
Happy happy.

My tights, shorts and singlet were soaking.
If I had a girl partner running with me, she would slap me for sweating so much.

Oh well. I'm sleepy.
The guys at KAP have left so I'm going home alone.

Well, its not that bad when you've got 196 songs in your Walkman phone to keep you company. hee.

Labels: ,

will YOU be my escape?
8:00:00 pm

Good morning

I'm in TIGHTS, and I'm happy

Bought alot of stuff I needed at Mustafa yesterday
(Yes, I'm cheap I know)

Bought: Training gloves, Adidas Tights, 1GB Memory Stick, and umm, new undergarments that won't cause any awkward abrasions.

Anyhoo, I'm studying ELAHA now, WITHOUT Zuli.
She said she wanted to be here at 7 but woke up at 8?
Well, she IS a girl and I am obliged to wait. =)


will YOU be my escape?
8:00:00 am

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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February 2008
March 2008
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