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Friday, August 31, 2007

After a hard day's worth of street soccer.
My lovely shoe of Two and A Half years finally got smashed into smithereens
I tore half the sole of the right shoe after I took on a shot.
Tore the whole thing of an hour later.
As for the left.
The bottom of the sole, went from fully hydrated, to dehydrated.
In English it sounds lame, but If I say the word 'haus' you'd understand, some of you at least.

Innallillah wa inna'ilaihi raji'un
On another note.
What word would YOU use to describe a true friend?
(not your best friend necessarily)
If you had to choose only ONE word.

will YOU be my escape?
8:02:00 pm

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Isn't it amazing how your observation skills are honed when you spend a long time, alone, meaning by yourself, out of the house, in a few places, and stay at each place for extended periods. And add the fact that its absolutely pouring to the point of flooding.

Firstly, after going to CGH today regarding sponsorhip, I headed to Eastpoint for lunch at Banquet. Lunchtime, plenty of people. Lots to see.

Firstly, I scout for tables.
I see two. After collecting my ChickenChop with Rice AND Fries, I aimed for the two.
One had a pack of tissue for the love of GOD ALMIGHTY.
I actually thought it was a myth.
The fact that the being who put it there sat about 10 seconds before I did saved her from a brutal verbal raping if she dared to comment on the tissues.

So I sat on the other empty one.
I took out my bond application form and read it extremely carefully, but really I was also hearing conversations around me.
When you sit at a place like Banquet for 2 hours, you tend to pick up many things.

I heard, first, the family trying hard to keep their kids still and on the verge of losing thier temper.

After reading, I began more observation.
Extraordinary, the people you see.

I then saw, another family, also with noisy kids, but this time, doing nothing to stop them. Parents were too engrossed in their Ban Mian I suppose.

Next, I heard the inevitable chatter, beside me, of students speaking about me in Malay. No I'm not perasaan.
But when they say," Mentang2 pakai baju Police, ingatkan tough la konon. Kena makan banyak pun eh?", you don't sit still and keep quiet.

I gave an exaggerated smirk gave a half turn of the head towards them and they kept quiet. And I continued smiling.

By the way, translated, the sentence says," Just because he's wearing a Police shirt, he thinks he's tough? And he has to eat alot too eh?" I don't get the logic of it really.

Next up. I spot this couple. Malay girl eating Nasi Padang.
And her husband with her back towards me.
I sensed something weird about them.
The dude was globbering up soup like it was a big piece of chicken and nearly dropped his bowl. Wife looks irritatingly at him.
I so know that look.
One phrase ran through my mind - "Won't last. Not worth it".

Mean, I know. Guy turns around finally. Caucasian. Hmpph.

I see a maid holding a young boy's hand gng to look out the big window with the MRT outside. They obviously like each other and he's obviously not a small brat who picks on maids.
Then I see this almost snobbish looking, but outrageously hot lady walking towards them.

I'm not a big fan of Chinese ladies, obviously, but this woman was out of this world, and I bet you she's almost 40.
I assumed she was from China, but the way she spoke and with the accent, an actual well-spoken Singaporean.
Crazy. And so I kept observing them.

Despite her good looks, the mum isnt uch in the way of a mum.
She eats her spaghetti, orders carrot juice from her maid, and the maid cuts the boy's fish n' chips.
But the mum, is actually nice.
And finally, cue the husband.
I half-expected it, and knew this couldnt be a perfect family, with a good looking husband to boot.

He was basically a lumpy old looking brute with a donkey for a face. I couldnt stand him, so I scouted for others.

And basically you end up seeing other trivial stuff.

The old folks struggling with Western Food.
The man, sitting alone, reading, and eating the same thing as you.
The pathetic school kids.
The group of teens doing the exact same thing you do. =)

That was BANQUET

On the Way home.
At the bustop.
Waited for twenty minutes.

Continue observation.
ChangkatChangi Sec. End of school.
Cue secondary school kids.

On a sidenote, I cant help but laughing and thinkin," You guys have a bloody long way to go, especially lower sec kids"

Back to the point.
You see the kids.
Some are taller than you.
Many are bigger.
And this is ChangkatChangi Sec for crying out loud.
Bloody notorious.

I spent 20 minutes with AhBengs, Mats and whatever TRYING to shove me aside.
Key word: TRY

Sorry guys.
This short, frail, no body guy is stronger than you think.

So bus finally come right?
I get on.
First thing I notice.
10 people trying to get out the ENTRANCE.

Next thing. Old lady blocks the way to make way for another old lady.

Lastly, the retard kid looking at me, fiercely, with a face so contorted, you feel he would have blown up if I asked him If he had a problem. Geez.

Lastly, under my block.
The wierdest thing ever.
Four Bedok South Secondary kids.
All Short Pants.
I gave them a look and saw what looked to be a cigarette in one of thier hands.
It wasnt.
The guy practically ran to me (he's a tad taller) and tried shoving his skinny body into mine and asked me what that hell was wring with me.

I just looked up and laughed (well, chuckled) and told him to observe me carefully and that if he made another mistake, I'd arrest him. He actually observed and told me to "**** off".

And for the first time in GOD knows how long, I gave him the finger and said," No, YOU p**s off"...

And walked away.
Yes I walked away.
I love bullying.
But four 13 year olds against me?
Still too easy.

will YOU be my escape?
10:27:00 pm

Monday, August 27, 2007

Rate this.
On a scale of 1 to 10.
1 being worst.

Work day or not a work day.
It stinks not having any school.
When its the holidays, I prefer to be in school.
But unlike many, when it is school time, I do prefer to be in school.

Its officially the first day of my break, and I'm already lethargic from not seeing people.

Now begins Nisfu Syaaban.
You know what to do people.
A new book (or chapter) is opened and you'd better take advantage of that.

will YOU be my escape?
9:04:00 pm

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Contemplate this:
Is there a difference between a Person who says "my bum looks better than my face" and a Person who says "I like my bum better than my face"?
Please comment on this if you read it. Thanks all around.


I was going through my 211 song playlist on my phone, and realized there are a few songs which remind me of certain people, some with more songs than others.

Here they are.
In Transit by Albert Hammond Jr - FAEZAH
Coin-Operated Boy by The Dresden Dolls - ZIRA
Smile In Your Sleep by Silverstein - MAHATHIR
Whatsername by Green Day - YAZID
The Lovesong Writer by Thursday - PAULA
Paris In Flames by Thursday - ZULI (HAHAHA)
Tilting The Hourglass by Alesana - ZEE
Wake The Dead by Comeback Kid & Superman by Goldfinger - RUDY

that's it for now. If I "realize" other songs, I'll list it down, or tell you myself..



I officially upgrade myself from doing hammer curls with an 8kg to a 12kg.
Let's not get excited here.
I KNOWWWW its nowhere close to anythnig a bodybuilder carries, but I ain't one arent I?
I'm a bloody athlete.
Fitness is my goal.
Running is my favourite. =D

Ok let's not get distracted.

Anyway. While Me and Faezah were sitting doing free weights, she reminded me not to take any candid photos of here.
Too late dear.
I got this before you even started exercising!

Posing nampak?

My friends for the day.

After gym, we amazingly werent able to bathe, well, she couldnt bathe cause the girls bath is STILL being repaired.

So, bath downstairs. Then upstairs to my clubhouse where I INTENDED on eating my lunch with her, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, we felt it was better to go to the library to do just that.

I brought Daging Kicap.
And I had 2 doughnuts with me, coated in chocolate.
Hope you enjoyed that.
Progress is being seen.
You'll be 50kg in no time. =)

At home. Have I mentioned my house is this great.
Where you gonna get one neater and more nicely decorated?
This is my games area by the way.
Yes, my house has a dedicated games-cum-hamster-cum-CityView-area.

will YOU be my escape?
9:58:00 pm

The usual Pre-Vacation Complaint

Holiday starting.
I'm broke.
I'm not having any trips.
No plans whatsoever (except for the numerous OB meetings I might have)

Oh well
Gym today.
That's something to smile about at least.

will YOU be my escape?
6:38:00 am

Monday, August 20, 2007

3-stringed solos are my current muse.

Ize Of The World is BEE-YOU-TEE-FOOL!!
that sounds so stupid.
But it seriously blows me away.

will YOU be my escape?
6:32:00 pm

To describe each of their personalities and styles would consume too much space.
But what can be said briefly about these five friends is that they love what they do.
They live their lives to the fullest, they dress as if the 1970's and 80's fell into the same laundry hamper, they're quick to make a joke, and ready to embrace everything you're willing to give them.
All together, they remind you to slow down the fast-paced life which you've been living, and exchange it for their's as they take you into their world for the moment you allow them.


will YOU be my escape?
10:19:00 am

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Love this commercial

will YOU be my escape?
9:54:00 am

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Of the three times I've been to Zee's place, today was the only one where we played strictly clean, jazzy music on guitar.

Lovely stuff.
Finally got my various blues scales right.

Argh. Love it when the neck pickup and a tone of 'ZERO' works together.

And I finally copied all the NS3 things I needed.

Played a game of RISK, and got free food yet again from his mom. wonderful.
First time I came was chicken.
Second was wanton noodle
Today was fried rice (filled with mushrooms)...


will YOU be my escape?
10:08:00 pm

Friday, August 17, 2007
more sayings

Of Contentment

71. Look to those inferior to yourselves, so that you may not hold God's benefits in contempt

Of Control of Self

74. The exercise of religious duties will not atone for the fault of an abusive tongue


I went thru alot of my photos today.
Realized there were too many with me and a girl in it, posing far too close for comfort.
I need to slap myself around more.
deleted alot of 'em...

will YOU be my escape?
6:20:00 pm

Thursday, August 16, 2007
From 'The Sayings of Muhammad"

Of Marriage

298. A woman may be married by four qualifications: On account of her money; another, on account of the nobility of her pedigree; another, on account on her beauty; the fourth, on account of her virtue. Therefore, look out for a woman that hath virtue: but if you do it from any other consideration, your hands be rubbed in dirt.

Of Repentance

381. A sincere repenter of faults is like him who hath comitted none.

Gotta love the Rasulallah s.a.w

will YOU be my escape?
1:28:00 pm

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Yet another day at the gym.
With a grand total of 6 nurses today's session.

Paul, Mary, Yan & Zuli opted for the fat burn workout (quite unnecessary for you guys really)

Me and Ez took the 'We need to be more sapau!" workout.
And the showers werent working today.

Anyhoo. Pictures-

Paul & Yan on a, umm, Harley?
ask Yan to explain.

Dear Faezah, yet another candid photo, where you do not see me take.

- I'm gonna get smacked hard for this picture alright.
No matter, I'll accept the beating with open arms.
Used to getting it from the makcik anyway...=)

Ummmm, my hand.

Nice? I have a confession. The nicer my drawing, the less I'm concentrating.


will YOU be my escape?
9:43:00 pm

Monday, August 13, 2007
5 hours in macdonalds
ate too much really.
I studied too little

See. Concentrate banyak sangat. Didnt even notice me taking this. =)
And this was what I did mostly. =.='

will YOU be my escape?
5:28:00 pm

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I changed my video again.
This time, its from my man, Albert Hammond Jr.

In case you didnt notice,
and I don't expect you to,
He's one of The Strokes two guitarists.

The song is just beautiful. =)

will YOU be my escape?
7:50:00 pm

Saturday, August 11, 2007

School today, was great.
Gym with Ez was excellent.
Great work rate today.
I gave her doughnuts, she gave me brownies.
They were great, btw
=) wonderful stuff.

and look what i found abandoned in the grass.

will YOU be my escape?
4:12:00 pm

Friday, August 10, 2007

Nobody likes you,
everyone left you.
They're all out without you,
having fun.

- Letterbomb, Green Day
My favourite song on guitar.
"To What Point And Purpose?" I ask myself these days, about a great many things. =.=
When you see me having a glum face on, never be afraid to approach me thinking I'm mad or depressed, because I'm never :)
I think I should take a more superficial view of everything and everyone ;)

will YOU be my escape?
10:58:00 pm

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The fireworks were great.

Was in the mood to actually GO and watch em.
But thinkin' about it, my friends would be with their boy/girlfriends, other close friend or if they were in groups, wouldnt be in a group I belonged to.

So, I'm satisfied watching fireworks from my ceiling-to-floor, left to right wall, window. =D

will YOU be my escape?
8:21:00 pm

Why are people obsessed with Dressing Up?
Why do people, who may not dress up, support those who do and like those who do.

Admit it.
Most of you guys love dressing "nice"
=.= =.= =.= =.= =.=

And I think I shall stick to my Sports Dressing, because its me.
Most will agree that I should look like myself, but more have told me I should dress up. =.=
I don't think I will.
Even if it does mean that not many people will notice me.
Even now, shockingly, being in my situatoin, I'm not THAT desperate. =)

And I have reverted back to my old BIG reliable Deuter, unless I bring my guitar to school.
Is that a sign of something happening to me?

Do you have the answer?
Good, I don't know as well.

will YOU be my escape?
5:50:00 pm

Good mornin.
I'm having a headache.

Firstly, Happy Birthday to my dearest friend, Singapore.
I can never forget how old you are cause you are the same age as my mom

I'm heading over to Tampines Mall in awhile to get some stuff from Yamaha.
Important stuff.
Not my guitar though. =(

Yesterday. Yan FINALLY update her blog, and was with her the whole time.
Wanted to go gym but wasnt really feeling good about it, so I just accompanied her all the way.
And she has finally gone for gym orientation.
Another nurse in the gym.
Although I bet your hidden motive is to also look at hot guys, right Yan?

Doesnt she look like a customs officer in Malaysia
with my jacket on like that?

Concentrated on updating.

I declare myself weird.

Ok anyway.
MacDonalds breakfast here.
Time to eat.

will YOU be my escape?
6:56:00 am

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Issues and Observations gathered over the past week

1. This week is slack
2. I'm a big lamp post or lightbulb. =(
3. There is no point in getting positive comments if they don't do anything good for me
4. Things, are getting, umm, rocky? or interesting?
5. My arms are bigger than my shoulders. thanks ez. ;) This week has been dedicated to my poor delts.
6. I have finally found someone whose face I happen not to like. Its been a long time. Grrrrrrr.
7. Hate-Taggers are cool. Soon. Whack time.

can someone do a cover of Coin-Operated Boy please? only call it Coin-Operated Girl. =)

will YOU be my escape?
10:19:00 pm

I've said it too many times, I day dream too bloody much

will YOU be my escape?
9:00:00 am

Sunday, August 05, 2007

*drools* =)

will YOU be my escape?
9:18:00 am

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Random Time.
I think I shall list down my goals and/or things I like to do with my friends at school. If I don' list down your name, I have forgotten or I havent discovered what I might like doing with you.


Mahathir - Burp, Discuss burping & Make fun of people in general

Zira - To feed her =)

Paula&Zuli - To supervise them in losing weight, or toning up. Which I am currently giving up cause we havent beento gym in 2 weeks. =( Shall find a new thing to do with them. hahaha

Yan - nothing concrete. but I shall also feed you. Unless there's something better to do

Rudy - Counselling him & makng fun of him

Eric - Complain about people gossiping

Fard - Berbual in Bahasa Melayu and 'mengutuk" pasal budak2 yg lain kat class...

Faezah - To FEEED you. [note the uppercase] To make her gain more weight!!

Zee - To carry his guitar, and lecture you about getting hyper and hypo and critisize fakes and posers and typical singaporeans

Joel - Discuss everything, cause we're the most alike of people ever.

Rachel - Tell her everything about relationships.

Maznah - To irritate her, get pinched, then scold her for doing it

Till I get more yeah, this is it

will YOU be my escape?
9:12:00 pm

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I'm so confused, I have a headache.

Tomorrow no food.
No real food anyway. =(

will YOU be my escape?
10:24:00 pm

& Me

Mirza Abdul Halim
Born 23rd December 1989

Ngee Ann Outward Bounders
Programme Coordinator
14th Committee

Registered Nurse(VERY soon-to-be).
First Aider (Instructor).
Outward Bounder.
Mountain Climber.

I Have To Go To

Chamonix, France
Puncak Jaya, Indonesia
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Mount Logan, Canada
Everest ABC (at least)

& Wishlist

BOLD means soon!!
Strike means GOTTEN!!

Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG APO
ARCTERYX Bora 90L!!!!
Mammut Pulse Jacket
Mammut Traverse 80L
Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero
Gibson SG GT
Boss Blues Driver 2
Asics Hypersprint!!
Macbook Pro

& Spill It and Listen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

& Buddies&Pals


Wan Ting



Han Bin
Hui Hong
Hui Ting
Jia Jun
Jun Wei
Wen Ting
Ying Jia
Zhan Yu

& Credits

Designer: Cheryl
Imagehost: Photobucket
Others: Blogger, Blogskins.

& From Way Back
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
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February 2009